- kibei kibei
Kibei, kibei
1> _яп. кибеи; гражданин США японского происхождения,
родившийся в США, по получивший образование в Японии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
kibei — ☆ kibei [kē′bā′ ] n. pl. kibei or kibeis [Jpn < SinoJpn ki, return + bei, America, U.S.A.] [also K ] a native U.S. citizen born of immigrant Japanese parents but educated largely in Japan: cf. ISSEI, NISEI, SANSEI … English World dictionary
Kibei — was a term often used in the 1940s to describe Japanese Americans born in the United States who returned to America after receiving their education in Japan. These people were thought of as likely threats against the U.S. because they were… … Wikipedia
kibei — (ˈ)kē|bā noun (plural kibei also kibeis) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Japanese : a son or daughter of issei parents who is born in America and especially in the United States and educated largely in Japan distinguished from nisei; compare … Useful english dictionary
Kibei — /kee bay /, n., pl. Kibei. a person of Japanese descent, born in the U.S. but educated in Japan. Also, kibei. Cf. Issei, Sansei, Nisei. [ < Japn] * * * … Universalium
kibei — noun A Japanese American who is born in the United States but primarily educated in Japan … Wiktionary
Kibei — n. Japanese person born in the United States and educated in Japan … English contemporary dictionary
kibei — (kee bay) [Japanese] A person born in the United States of Japanese parents, but educated in Japan. See also issei, nisei, sansei … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
kibei — ki·bei … English syllables
Kibei — Ki•bei [[t]ˈkiˈbeɪ[/t]] n. pl. bei peo (sometimes l.c.) a person of Japanese descent, born in North America but educated mainly in Japan Compare Issei Nisei Sansei • Etymology: < Japn … From formal English to slang
kibei — /kiybey/ A Japanese American (person born in the United States of Japanese parents) who has been educated in Japan, but has returned to the United States. See Hohri v. U.S., C.A.D.C., 782 F.2d 227, 234; McGrath v. Abo, C.A., 186 F.2d 766, 772.… … Black's law dictionary
kibei — /kiybey/ A Japanese American (person born in the United States of Japanese parents) who has been educated in Japan, but has returned to the United States. See Hohri v. U.S., C.A.D.C., 782 F.2d 227, 234; McGrath v. Abo, C.A., 186 F.2d 766, 772.… … Black's law dictionary