- kaddishim
- [ʹkædıʃım] pl от kaddish
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kaddish — Ashk. Heb. /kah dish/; Seph. Heb. /kah deesh /, n., pl. Kaddishim Ashk. Heb. /kah dish im/; Seph. Heb. /kah dee sheem /. Judaism. 1. (italics) a liturgical prayer, consisting of three or six verses, recited at specified points during each of the… … Universalium
kaddish — noun (plural kaddishes; also kaddishim) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Aramaic qaddīsh holy Date: 1613 a Jewish prayer recited in the daily ritual of the synagogue and by mourners at public services after the death of a close relative … New Collegiate Dictionary
Roch Hachana — Cet article traite de la fête de Roch Hachana. Pour le traité talmudique s’y rapportant, voir Roch Hachana (traité). Roch Hachana Principaux s … Wikipédia en Français
Kaddish — /ˈkædɪʃ/ (say kadish) noun (plural Kaddishim /kæˈdɪʃɪm/ (say ka dishim)) 1. a Jewish liturgical prayer of three or six verses, recited at given points during each of the three daily services and on certain other occasions. 2. a five verse form of …