
[ʹkædıʃ] n (pl -im)
каддиш (еврейская заупокойная молитва)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "kaddish" в других словарях:

  • KADDISH — (Aram. קַדִּישׁ; holy ), a doxology, most of it in Aramaic, recited with congregational responses at the close of individual sections of the public service and at the conclusion of the service itself. There are four main types of Kaddish: (a) THE …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • kaddish — ● kaddish nom masculin (araméen qaddish, saint) Prière juive récitée à la fin de chaque partie de l office synagogal. (C est une exaltation de la toute puissance divine.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • kaddish — doxology of the Jewish ritual, 1610s, from Aramaic qaddish holy, holy one, from stem of q dhash was holy, ithqaddash was sanctified, related to Heb. qadhash was holy, qadhosh holy. According to Klein, the name probably is from the second word of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • kaddish — [käd′ish] n. [Aram kadish, lit., holy, akin to Heb kadosh, holy < root kdš, sanctify] 1. Judaism a prayer in praise of God, recited as part of the daily service 2. another form of this prayer recited by mourners …   English World dictionary

  • Kaddish — This article is about the Jewish prayer. For other uses, see Kaddish (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Kiddush or Kedusha. Part of a series of articles on …   Wikipedia

  • Kaddish — Le Kaddish (hébreu : קדיש qaddish, « sanctification ») est l une des pièces centrales de la liturgie juive et a également influencé plusieurs prières chrétiennes, dont le Notre Père[1]. Il a pour thème la glorification et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • “Kaddish” — by Allen Ginsberg (1961)    The title poem of allen ginsberg’s 1961 volume, kaddisH and otHer poems, “Kaddish” is the poet’s autobiographical elegy for his mother, Naomi Ginsberg, who died in 1956 after a series of mental breakdowns during the… …   Encyclopedia of Beat Literature

  • Kaddish — Ashk. Heb. /kah dish/; Seph. Heb. /kah deesh /, n., pl. Kaddishim Ashk. Heb. /kah dish im/; Seph. Heb. /kah dee sheem /. Judaism. 1. (italics) a liturgical prayer, consisting of three or six verses, recited at specified points during each of the… …   Universalium

  • kaddish — Doxología (himno de alabanza a Dios) judía que en general se recita en arameo al concluir las secciones principales de todos los servicios en la sinagoga. Recitado originalmente en las academias rabínicas, pasó a convertirse en un elemento… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Kaddish —    (KAH dish) [Aramaic: holy] In Judaism, a liturgical prayer in praise of God, part of the regular daily service in a synagogue; a form of this prayer recited during the period of mourning for a deceased family member, or on the anniversary of a …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

  • Kaddish — [ kadɪʃ] noun an ancient Jewish prayer sequence recited in the synagogue service. ↘a form of the Kaddish recited for the dead. Origin from Aramaic qaddīš holy …   English new terms dictionary

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