- ion engine
- [ʹaıənʹendʒın] косм.
ионный (электростатический) ракетный двигатель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ion engine — ☆ ion engine n. a reaction engine, as for space vehicles, that uses for propulsion a stream of ionized atoms or molecules, accelerated by an electrostatic field * * * … Universalium
ion engine — ☆ ion engine n. a reaction engine, as for space vehicles, that uses for propulsion a stream of ionized atoms or molecules, accelerated by an electrostatic field … English World dictionary
ion engine — noun a type of reaction propulsion engine to propel rockets in space; a stream of positive ions is accelerated to a high velocity by an electric field • Hypernyms: ↑reaction propulsion engine, ↑reaction engine * * * noun : a jet engine deriving… … Useful english dictionary
Ion Engine — Ionized atoms, such as cesium atoms, are accelerated to high velocity in an electrostatic field, and allowed to escape from the rear of the engine. This type of engine can reach high velocity. In 1998 a satellite using an Ion Engine was… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
ion engine — /ˈaɪən ɛndʒən/ (say uyuhn enjuhn) noun a rocket engine the propelling force of which is obtained by the discharge at the rear of electrostatically accelerated charged positive ions. Compare plasma engine …
ion engine — noun Date: 1958 a reaction engine deriving thrust from the ejection of a stream of ionized particles … New Collegiate Dictionary
ion engine — noun a type of spacecraft propulsion, whereby electric fields accelerate ions out the exhaust to provide motive force … Wiktionary
Ion thruster — An ion thruster is a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion that creates thrust by accelerating ions. Ion thrusters are characterized by how they accelerate the ions, using either electrostatic or electromagnetic force.… … Wikipedia
engine — Synonyms and related words: AC motor, Corliss engine, Otto engine, Wankel engine, aeromotor, air engine, alembic, anvil, apparatus, appliance, arc jet engine, axial flow turbojet, beam engine, bearings, blowing engine, boiler, caldron, cam, cam… … Moby Thesaurus
engine — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. motor, machine; device; engine of war. See arms, instrumentality, power. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A machine for transforming power] Syn. motor, power plant, dynamo, generator, turbine, diesel engine,… … English dictionary for students
ion rocket — noun : ion engine * * * ion rocket, a rocket propelled by ion propulsion … Useful english dictionary