- idiot card
- [ʹıdıətkɑ:d] проф.
телешпаргалка (крупно написанный текст для выступающего)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
idiot card — noun see idiot sheet * * * Television Slang. See cue card. [1955 60] * * * idiot card noun A large card with words, etc, for the same purpose as an idiot board • • • Main Entry: ↑idiot * * * idiot card or … Useful english dictionary
idiot card — n. a large card that shows people on television what to say. □ The floor director held up an idiot card so I could read out the telephone number. □ I couldn’t read the number off the idiot card … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
idiot card — n. (Slang) idiot board, mechanical apparatus (such as placard, projector or continuous roll of paper) for prompting a television performer with lines to be spoken during a program … English contemporary dictionary
idiot card — Television Slang. See cue card. [1955 60] * * * … Universalium
idiot board — ☆ idiot board or idiot card n. Slang a board, placard, etc. bearing the lines to be spoken by a television performer, used in prompting … English World dictionary
idiot sheet — noun also idiot card : a large card bearing usually hand lettered words or phrases for prompting a speaker or actor during a telecast compare idiot board … Useful english dictionary
idiot board — /ˈɪdiət bɔd/ (say ideeuht bawd) noun a prompting device held before television speakers but not projected on to the film. Also, idiot card, cue card …
idiot board — (Slang) idiot card, mechanical apparatus (such as placard, projector or continuous roll of paper) for prompting a television performer with lines to be spoken … English contemporary dictionary
Idiot's Delight — may refer to:* Idiot s Delight (play), written by Robert E. Sherwood * Idiot s Delight (film), a screenplay written by Robert E. Sherwood adapted from the play * Idiot s Delight (radio), a show hosted by Vin Scelsa * Idiot s Delight (dessert),… … Wikipedia
Idiot's Delight (solitaire) — Idiot s Delight is an alternative name for at least three solitaire card games, probably because of the low chances of winning in these games.* Aces Up * King Albert * Perpetual Motion in this case, even if the player wins this game very often,… … Wikipedia
idiot — n. 1 colloq. a stupid person; an utter fool. 2 a person deficient in mind and permanently incapable of rational conduct. Phrases and idioms: idiot board (or card) colloq. a board displaying a television script to a speaker as an aid to memory.… … Useful english dictionary