- idiot box
- [ʹıdıətbɒks] шутл.
телевизор, «ящик»
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Idiot box — is slang for a television and may also refer to: * Idiot Box (webcomic), by Matt Bors * Idiot Box (1996 film), an Australian movie starring Ben Mendelsohn and Jeremy Sims * Idiot Box (song), from the 1997 album S.C.I.E.N.C.E. by Incubus *Idiot… … Wikipedia
idiot box — n. Slang television or a television set … English World dictionary
idiot box — N SING: the N The idiot box is the television. [mainly BRIT, INFORMAL] The original script was written with the idiot box in mind. (in AM, use boob tube) … English dictionary
idiot box — Some people consider television to lack educational value and refer to it as the idiot box. He spends all his free time in front of the idiot box … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
idiot box — n. a television set. □ You spend too much time watching the idiot box. □ What’s on the idiot box tonight? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
idiot box — {n.} A television set. * /Phil has been staring at the idiot box all afternoon./ … Dictionary of American idioms
idiot box — {n.} A television set. * /Phil has been staring at the idiot box all afternoon./ … Dictionary of American idioms
idiot box — np TV set, a television. Turn on the idiot box and let s catch the weather. 1960s … Historical dictionary of American slang
idiot\ box — noun A television set. Phil has been staring at the idiot box all afternoon … Словарь американских идиом
idiot box — n a television set. A less common alterna tive to gogglebox, dating from around 1960, by which time the mind numbing effects of TV viewing were attracting criti cal comment. ► An entertaining and salutary study of the tangled, dishonest and… … Contemporary slang
idiot box — television set He sits in front of the idiot box all day and never gets any work done … Idioms and examples