- hyperalimentation
- [͵haıpə(r)͵ælımenʹteıʃ(ə)n] n мед.
внутривенное питание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hyperalimentation — is a procedure in which nutrients and vitamins are given to a person in liquid form through a vein. It is a medical procedure used for individuals who cannot get nutrients from food. This is done mainly due to impaired gastrointestinal (GI)… … Wikipedia
hyperalimentation — A form of nutrition that is delivered into a vein. Hyperalimentation does not use the digestive system. It may be given to people who are unable to absorb nutrients through the intestinal tract because of vomiting that won t stop, severe diarrhea … English dictionary of cancer terms
hyperalimentation — noun Date: 1962 the administration of nutrients by intravenous feeding especially to patients who cannot ingest food through the alimentary tract … New Collegiate Dictionary
Hyperalimentation — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E66.0 Adipositas durch übermäßige Kalorienzufuhr E68 Folgen der Überernährung … Deutsch Wikipedia
hyperalimentation — /huy peuhr al euh men tay sheuhn/, n. Med. 1. overfeeding. 2. See total parenteral nutrition. [1965 70; HYPER + ALIMENTATION] * * * … Universalium
hyperalimentation — noun The administration or ingestion of unusually large amounts of nutrients … Wiktionary
hyperalimentation — Administration or consumption of nutrients beyond minimum normal requirements, in an attempt to replace nutritional deficiencies. SYN: superalimentation, suralimentation. enteral h. h. by the administration of elemental nutrients via a catheter… … Medical dictionary
Hyperalimentation — Hyper|alimentatio̱n [zu ↑hyper... u. lat. alimentum = Nahrungsmittel] w; : Überernährung … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Hyperalimentation — Hy|per|ali|men|ta|ti|on die; <zu ↑hyper... u. ↑Alimentation> Überernährung (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
hyperalimentation — noun Medicine artificial supply of nutrients, typically intravenously … English new terms dictionary
hyperalimentation — hy·per·alimentation … English syllables