- hyperalgesia
- [͵haıpə(r)ælʹdʒi:zıə] n мед.
гиперальгезия, повышенная чувствительность к боли
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hyperalgesia — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = 30788 ICD10 = ICD9 = ICD9|782.0 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D006930Hyperalgesia is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to … Wikipedia
hyperalgesia — The term hyperalgesia comes from the Greek words huper (to exceed a certain boundary) and algos (pain). It translates loosely as exaggerated pain perception . The term is used to denote an increased sensitivity to painful stimuli. Hyperalgesia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
hyperalgesia — hyperalgesic, hyperalgetic /huy peuhr al jet ik/, adj. /huy peuhr al jee zee euh, see euh/, n. an exaggerated sense of pain (opposed to hypalgesia). Also, hyperalgia /huy peuhr al jee euh, jeuh/. [1895 1900; HYPER + ALGESIA] * * * … Universalium
hyperalgesia — noun /ˈhaɪ.pə(ɹ)ˌæl.dʒɪiz.ɪi.ə/ An increased sensitivity to pain, which in one form is caused by damage to nociceptors in the bodys soft tissues. Ant: hypoalgesia See Also: algesia, analgesia … Wiktionary
hyperalgesia — Extreme sensitivity to painful stimuli. [hyper + G. algos, pain] * * * hy·per·al·ge·sia .hī pə ral jē zhə, z(h)ē ə n increased sensitivity to pain or enhanced intensity of pain sensation hy·per·al·ge·sic jē zik, sik adj * * * n. an abnormal state … Medical dictionary
hyperalgesia — n. abnormal sensitivity (to pain, heat, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
hyperalgesia — [ˌhʌɪpəral dʒi:zɪə] noun Medicine abnormally heightened sensitivity to pain. Derivatives hyperalgesic adjective Origin from Gk huperalgein to be in great pain , based on algos pain … English new terms dictionary
hyperalgesia — hy·per·algesia … English syllables
hyperalgesia — n. an abnormal state of increased sensitivity to painful stimuli … The new mediacal dictionary
hyperalgesia — /ˌhaɪpərælˈdʒiziə/ (say .huypuhral jeezeeuh) noun an exaggerated feeling or sense of pain. {New Latin, from Greek hyper hyper + algēsis sense of pain + ia ia} –hyperalgesic, adjective …
hyperalgesia — n. undue sensitiveness to pain … Dictionary of difficult words