- honourably
- [ʹɒn(ə)rəblı] adv
1. честно, благородно2. с честью, со славой, с почётом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
honourably — (Brit.) adv. with honor, in an honorable manner (also honorably) … English contemporary dictionary
honourably — adv. Honourably/honorably is used with these verbs: ↑behave, ↑conduct, ↑discharge … Collocations dictionary
honourably — honourable (US honorable) ► ADJECTIVE 1) bringing or worthy of honour. 2) (Honourable) a title given to certain high officials, members of the nobility, and MPs. DERIVATIVES honourably adverb … English terms dictionary
honourably — adverb In a honourable manner … Wiktionary
honourably — gerisenlice … English to the Old English
honourably — See: honourable … English dictionary
honourably — adverb with honor he was honorably discharged after many years of service • Syn: ↑honorably • Ant: ↑dishonorably (for: ↑honorably) … Useful english dictionary
acquit yourself honourably — acquit yourself well/honourably/admirably etc/ phrase to behave or perform in a way that other people admire Thesaurus: to do something well or better than someone elsesynonym Main entry: acquit … Useful english dictionary
gerisenlice — honourably … The Old English to English
ATHOLE, SIR JOHN JAMES HUGH STEWART-MURRAY, 7TH DUKE OF — honourably distinguished for having devoted years of his life to editing the records of the family and the related history; b. 1840 … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Gaisford Prize — The Gaisford Prize is a prize in the University of Oxford, founded in 1855 in memory of Dr Thomas Gaisford (1779–1855). For most of its history, the prize was awarded for Classical Greek Verse and Prose. The prizes are now the Gaisford Essay… … Wikipedia