
[hɜ:ʹmetıks] n

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hermetics" в других словарях:

  • hermetics — her·met·ics …   English syllables

  • hermetics — (ˌ) ̷ ̷ˈmed.]iks, et], ]ēks noun plural but usually singular in construction Usage: usually capitalized : hermetism * * * hermetˈics singular noun 1. The philosophy contained in the hermetic books, esoteric science 2. Alchemy • • • Main Entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Initiation into hermetics — is the title of the English translation of Franz Bardon s first of three volumes concerning self realisation in line with the Hermetic tradition. The book was first published in German in 1956 under the title Der Weg zum Wahren Adepten by… …   Wikipedia

  • Franz Bardon — (December 1 1909 ndash; July 10 1958). Born in Opava, Czechoslovakia. Bardon was both a stage magician and student and teacher of Hermetics. During World War II Bardon was at one point held in a concentration camp for refusing to participate in… …   Wikipedia

  • The All — (also called The One, The Absolute, The Great One, The Creator, The Supreme Mind, The Supreme Good, The Father, and The Universal Mother) is the Hermetic or panentheistic view of God, which is that everything that is, or at least that can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Der Schlüssel Solomon — Die Liste magischer Schriften gibt einen Überblick überlieferter Grimoires, Zauberschriften, magischer Manuskripte und Papyri bis um das Jahr 1800. Je nach Inhalt der Schrift ist eine Einteilung in unten stehende Kategorien erfolgt, der Übergang… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Liste der Grimoires — Die Liste magischer Schriften gibt einen Überblick überlieferter Grimoires, Zauberschriften, magischer Manuskripte und Papyri bis um das Jahr 1800. Je nach Inhalt der Schrift ist eine Einteilung in unten stehende Kategorien erfolgt, der Übergang… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Sebastian Marlowe Ward — John Sebastian Marlow Ward (born 22 December 1885, Central America, died 2 July 1949 Cyprus) was an English writer on Freemasonry and spiritual matters.He was born in what is now Belize. In 1908 he graduated from the University of Cambridge with… …   Wikipedia

  • Hermeticism — This article is about the magical and religious movement stemming from the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. For other uses of the term Hermetic , see Hermetic (disambiguation). Part of a series of articles on Hermeticism Hermetic… …   Wikipedia

  • FUDOSI — or FUDOESI (Fédération Universelle des Ordres et Sociétés Initiatiques in French, Federatio Universalis Dirigens Ordines Societatesque Initiationis in Latin), founded on August 14, 1934, in Brussels (Belgium), was a federation of autonomous… …   Wikipedia

  • History of psychology — The history of psychology as a scholarly study of the mind and behavior dates back to the Ancient Greeks. There is also evidence of psychological thought in ancient Egypt. Psychology was a branch of philosophy until the 1870s, when psychology… …   Wikipedia

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