Смотреть что такое "hermeticism" в других словарях:
Hermeticism — This article is about the magical and religious movement stemming from the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. For other uses of the term Hermetic , see Hermetic (disambiguation). Part of a series of articles on Hermeticism Hermetic… … Wikipedia
Hermeticism — Hermeticist, adj., n. /herr met euh siz euhm/, n. (sometimes l.c.). 1. the body of ideas set forth in Hermetic writings. 2. adherence to the ideas expressed in Hermetic writings. 3. the occult sciences, esp. alchemy. Also, Hermetism. /herr mi tiz … Universalium
hermeticism — hermetic ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a seal or closure) complete and airtight. 2) insulated or protected from outside influences. 3) esoteric or cryptic: hermetic poems. DERIVATIVES hermetically adverb hermeticism noun. ORIGIN from Latin Hermes… … English terms dictionary
Hermeticism (history of science) — Hermeticism is a historiographical phrase describing the work that attempts to reconstruct the mode of thought held by 17th century scientists. It primarily traces out the connections of Renaissance (16th century) modes of thought with those of… … Wikipedia
hermeticism — noun Usage: often capitalized Date: 1897 hermetism … New Collegiate Dictionary
hermeticism — Adherence to Hermetic teachings … Philosophy dictionary
hermeticism — her·met·i·cism … English syllables
hermeticism — her•met•i•cism [[t]hɜrˈmɛt əˌsɪz əm[/t]] also her•me•tism [[t]ˈhɜr mɪˌtɪz [/t]] n. (sometimes cap.) 1) myt the body of ideas set forth in hermetic writings 2) myt adherence to the ideas expressed in hermetic writings 3) the occult sciences, esp.… … From formal English to slang
hermeticism — (ˌ) ̷ ̷ˈmed.əˌsizəm, etə noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized : hermetism * * * Hermeticist, adj., n. /herr met euh siz euhm/, n. (sometimes l.c.). 1. the body of ideas set forth in Hermetic writings. 2. adherence to the ideas expressed in Hermetic … Useful english dictionary
hermetic — hermeticism … Philosophy dictionary
Hermetism and other religions — This is a comparative religion article which outlines both similarities between Hermetism, Hermeticism, and other thought systems as well as their interactions between one another. Christianity Christianity and Hermetism have interacted in such a … Wikipedia