- hash house
- [ʹhæʃhaʋs] амер. разг.
дешёвый ресторан, харчевня, забегаловка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hash house — hash′ house n. Slang. sts a cheap restaurant or diner • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
hash house — ☆ hash house n. Slang a cheap restaurant … English World dictionary
hash-house — 1. n. a cheap diner. □ Tom worked for two days as a hash slinger in a hash house. □ You see a lot of interesting people go in and out of a hash house like this one. 2. n. a place where hashish is sold and used. (Drugs.) □ This hash house is due… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hash house — noun an inexpensive restaurant • Hypernyms: ↑restaurant, ↑eating house, ↑eating place, ↑eatery * * * noun slang : an inexpensive eating place : beanery … Useful english dictionary
hash house — {n.}, {slang} An eating place where cheap meals are served. * /Joe and his friends went to a hash house around the corner after the game./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hash house — {n.}, {slang} An eating place where cheap meals are served. * /Joe and his friends went to a hash house around the corner after the game./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hash house — Slang. an inexpensive restaurant, diner, or the like, that serves a limited number of short order dishes: We stopped for lunch at a roadside hash house. [1865 70, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
hash\ house — noun slang An eating place where cheap meals are served. Joe and his friends went to a hash house around the corner after the game … Словарь американских идиом
Hash House Hotel — (Мелака,Малайзия) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: G20, Jalan PM7, Plaza … Каталог отелей
Hash House Harriers — Ein Lauf der Lima Hash House Harriers in Lunahuaná, Perú. Die Hash House Harriers (abgekürzt auch HHH, H3, bzw. Hashing genannt) sind eine internationale Vereinigung nicht kompetitiver Lauf , Sozial und Trink Clubs. Ein einzelner, von einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hash House Harriers — A large scale Hash. A run of the Lima Hash House Harriers in … Wikipedia