
[grəʹnəʋlə] n
гранола (подслащённая овсянка с добавлением орехов и изюма)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "granola" в других словарях:

  • Granola — is a breakfast food and snack food consisting of rolled oats, nuts, honey and sometimes rice, which is baked until crispy. During the baking process the mixture is stirred to maintain a loose, breakfast cereal type consistency. Dried fruit,… …   Wikipedia

  • Granola — ist eine mittelfrühe, vorwiegend festkochende Kartoffelsorte. Diese Speisekartoffelsorte bildet rauhschalige, rundovale Knollen aus. Beim Kochen ergibt sich hier die Besonderheit, dass die Sorte anfangs fest bleibt, bei längerer Kochzeit jedoch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • granola — 1970, Amer.Eng., probably from It. grano grain, or from GRANULAR (Cf. granular), with commercial suffix OLA (Cf. ola). Earlier, with a capital G , it was a proprietary name (reg. 1886 by W.K. Kellogg, in use into early 20c.) for a kind of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • granola — ☆ granola [grə nō′lə ] n. [coined ( c. 1870) < ? L granum, grain + ola, It dim. suffix] a breakfast cereal of rolled oats, wheat germ, sesame seeds, brown sugar or honey, raisins, nuts, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Granola — La Granola es un alimento formado por nueces, copos de avena mezclados con miel y otros ingredientes naturales. La mezcla se hornea hasta que sea crujiente. Durante el proceso de cocción la mezcla es agitada para mantener la consistencia suelta… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Granola — Le granola est un mélange d avoine, d amandes et de miel apparenté au muesli. Le tout peut être utilisé comme accompagnement de yogourt ou comme céréale matinale. Il peut aussi être cuit et présenté sous forme de tablettes. On peut ajouter des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • granola — 1) A guy who is a real outdoorsy backpacker type. Sort of plain and naturalistic, you may find him eating granola on the hike. You re really into that guy? He s so granola! 2) an overage hippie, somebody lost in the 60s or 70s Oh yeah, there s a… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • granola — 1) A guy who is a real outdoorsy backpacker type. Sort of plain and naturalistic, you may find him eating granola on the hike. You re really into that guy? He s so granola! 2) an overage hippie, somebody lost in the 60s or 70s Oh yeah, there s a… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • granola — noun Etymology: from Granola, a trademark Date: 1970 a mixture typically of rolled oats and various added ingredients (as brown sugar, raisins, coconut, and nuts) that is eaten especially for breakfast or as a snack …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • granola — gra|no|la [grəˈnəulə US ˈnou ] n [U] AmE [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Granola, a trademark] breakfast food made from mixed nuts, grains, and seeds …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • granola — a person who believes in less government and a natural way of living    Pat is mostly granola. She wants to join a commune, grow gardens and protect the environment …   English idioms

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