- granny glasses
- [ʹgrænı͵glɑ:sız]
большие круглые очки в золотой или металлической оправе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
granny glasses — plural noun informal round metal rimmed glasses … English new terms dictionary
granny glasses — noun plural Date: 1966 spectacles with usually small oval, round, or square lenses and metal frames … New Collegiate Dictionary
granny glasses — eyeglasses with wirelike metal frames that sometimes sit below the bridge of the nose and often have oval lenses. * * * … Universalium
granny glasses — gran′ny glass es n. cvb (usu. with a pl. v.) eyeglasses with wirelike metal frames that sometimes sit below the bridge of the nose and often have oval lenses (often used with pair of) … From formal English to slang
granny glasses — noun plural : spectacles with usually small oval, round, or square lenses and metal frames … Useful english dictionary
granny — or grannie [gran′ē] n. pl. grannies Informal 1. a grandmother 2. an old woman 3. any fussy, exacting person ☆ 4. South a midwife adj. of a style like that formerly worn by many elderly women [granny nightgown ]; specif., designating eyeglas … English World dictionary
glasses — Synonyms and related words: Polaroid glasses, bifocals, blinkers, cheaters, colored glasses, contact lens, dark glasses, divided spectacles, eyeglass, eyeglasses, goggles, granny glasses, harlequin glasses, horn rimmed glasses, lorgnette, lorgnon … Moby Thesaurus
granny — 1. noun a) A grandmother. Im going to be a granny. b) An elderly woman. There are too many grannies around here getting in the way. 2. adjective … Wiktionary
glasses — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ dark, tinted ▪ I wear blue tinted glasses on sunny days. ▪ reading ▪ half moon, round ▪ … Collocations dictionary
granny — noun Granny is used before these nouns: ↑flat, ↑glasses, ↑knot … Collocations dictionary
Boxer Boy and Great Granny Girdle — Infobox character colour = Blue name = Boxer Boy and Great Granny Girdle caption = first = Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People last = cause = nickname = alias = Grandpa Henry George s great grandmother… … Wikipedia