- amplidyne
- [ʹæmplıdın] n эл.
амплидин, электромеханический усилитель
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
amplidyne — ● amplidyne nom féminin Génératrice amplificatrice et régulatrice à courant continu … Encyclopédie Universelle
Amplidyne — [Kunstwort] die, / n, spezieller Gleichstromgenerator (eine Querfeldmaschine), der als Erregermaschine für Synchrongeneratoren oder als Verstärkermaschine für Regelungsaufgaben verwendet wird. * * * Am|pli|dy|ne, die; , n [zu lat. amplus = weit … Universal-Lexikon
amplidyne — ☆ amplidyne [am′plə dīn΄ ] n. [ AMPLI(FIER) + DYNE] an amplifier that uses direct current and a rotating armature to generate a highly amplified output voltage that is sensitive to small changes in input voltage, used extensively to control… … English World dictionary
Amplidyne — An amplidyne is an electrodynamic amplifier invented during World War II by Ernst Alexanderson.It is an early form of servomechanism used to implement position feedback control for large motors. A small electrical signal can control the position… … Wikipedia
amplidyne — /am pli duyn /, n. Elect. a direct current generator with a rotating armature, capable of magnifying a small amount of power supplied to the field winding of the device and using the amplified power to operate an attached, direct current motor.… … Universalium
amplidyne — noun A form of electromechanical amplifier in which an AC motor drives a DC generator … Wiktionary
Amplidyne — Am|pli|dy|ne die; , n <zu lat. amplius »weiter, stärker, noch mehr« u. gr. dýnamis »Kraft«> Querfeldverstärkermaschine, eine elektrische Gleichstrommaschine besonderer Bauart … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
amplidyne — am·pli·dyne … English syllables
amplidyne — am•pli•dyne [[t]ˈæm plɪˌdaɪn[/t]] n. elm a direct current generator with a rotating armature: used in servo systems as a power amplifier • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
amplidyne — ˈampləˌdīn noun ( s) Etymology: amplifier + dyne (from Greek dynamis power) more at dynamic : a direct current generator that by the use of compensating coils and a short circuit across two of its brushes precisely controls a large power output… … Useful english dictionary
AMPD — Amplidyne, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols) * Average Miles Driven Per Day (Governmental » Transportation) … Abbreviations dictionary