- ampliative
- [ʹæmplıətıv] a лог.
развивающий (мысль); разъясняющий; дополняющий; синтетический
ampliative inference - индуктивный метод
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ampliative inference - индуктивный метод
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ampliative — Am pli*a*tive, a. (Logic) Enlarging a conception by adding to that which is already known or received. [1913 Webster] All bodies possess power of attraction is an ampliative judgment; because we can think of bodies without thinking of attraction… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ampliative — (from Lat. ampliare , to enlarge ), a term used mainly in logic, meaning extending or adding to that which is already known. In Norman law an ampliation was a postponement of a sentence in order to obtain further evidence.References*1911 … Wikipedia
ampliative — ● ampliatif, ampliative adjectif (latin ampliare, augmenter) Relatif à l ampliation. ● ampliatif, ampliative (expressions) adjectif (latin ampliare, augmenter) Mémoire ampliatif, mémoire qui développe des moyens exposés dans le mémoire … Encyclopédie Universelle
ampliative — ˈamplēˌād.iv adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin ampliativus, from Latin ampliatus + ivus ive logic : adding in the predicate something not contained in the meaning of the subject term : synthetic an ampliative proposition opposed to explicative … Useful english dictionary
ampliative — adjective That which broadens conceptual knowledge by adding new information … Wiktionary
ampliative — am·pli·a·tive … English syllables
ampliative — a. supplementary … Dictionary of difficult words
ampliative argument — Term used by Peirce to denote arguments whose conclusions go beyond their premises (and hence amplify the scope of our beliefs). Inductive arguments and arguments to the best explanation are not deductively valid, but may yield credible… … Philosophy dictionary
ampliative inference — noun : baconian induction … Useful english dictionary
ampliatif — ampliatif, ive [ ɑ̃plijatif, iv ] adj. • 1548; « qui agrandit » XVe; du rad. de ampliation ♦ Dr. Qui développe et complète ce qui a été dit dans un acte précédent. Mémoire ampliatif. ♢ Constituant une ampliation. Acte ampliatif. ● ampliatif,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Peirce, Charles Sanders — American pragmatism Peirce Cheryl Misak INTRODUCTION Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), one of America’s greatest philosophers, mathematicians, and logicians, was a difficult and not altogether pleasant character. That, combined with what the… … History of philosophy