- family allowance
- [͵fæm(ə)lıəʹlaʋəns]
семейное пособие; государственное пособие многодетным семьям
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
family allowance — n. Money allocated to a surviving spouse and/or children to support them while the deceased spouse’s estate goes through the probate process; see also widow’s allowance The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks,… … Law dictionary
family allowance — ➔ allowance … Financial and business terms
family allowance — noun : a grant to an employee made typically by a government or an employer in addition to regular salary and graded according to occupation and the number of dependent children * * * family allowance noun An allowance formerly paid by the state… … Useful english dictionary
family allowance supplement — noun a tax free fortnightly payment in addition to the family allowance payment, to provide extra income support to low income families with children. Also, FAS …
family allowance — An allowance in a judgment for divorce or separation for the support of the child or children of the parties, often granted in a unitary award for wife and child or children. 24 Am J2d Div & S § 664. An award to be paid by the personal… … Ballentine's law dictionary
family allowance — government subsidy paid to a family for each child … English contemporary dictionary
family allowance — /fæmli əˈlaʊəns/ (say famlee uh lowuhns) noun a regular social security payment made, subject to a means test, to persons supporting one child or more …
family allowance — Consists of certain amount of decedent s property allocated for the support of the widow and children during the period of estate administration … Black's law dictionary
family allowance — Consists of certain amount of decedent s property allocated for the support of the widow and children during the period of estate administration … Black's law dictionary
allowance — al·low·ance /ə lau̇ əns/ n 1: an allotted share: as a: a sum granted as a reimbursement or payment for expenses an allowance to support the deceased s family deduction for a moving allowance b: a sum granted as a reduction or increase … Law dictionary
family — n. (pl. ies) 1 a set of parents and children, or of relations, living together or not. 2 a the members of a household, esp. parents and their children. b a person s children. c (attrib.) serving the needs of families (family butcher). 3 a all the … Useful english dictionary