
[ıkʹspænsıv] a
1. 1) экспансивный, несдержанный

to be in an expansive mood - быть в приподнятом настроении

2) открытый (о характере и т. п.)

expansive smile - широкая /располагающая/ улыбка

to become expansive - начать откровенничать

2. расширяющийся, способный расширяться

expansive materials - расширяющиеся материалы

3. 1) обширный, просторный; широкий

expansive intellect - широкий /огромный/ ум

expansive forehead - высокий лоб

expansive glittering lake - огромное сверкающее озеро

2) широкий, роскошный (об образе жизни)
4. экспансионистский
5. расширительный

expansive interpretation - расширительное толкование

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "expansive" в других словарях:

  • Expansive — Ex*pan sive ([e^]ks*p[a^]n s[i^]v), a. [Cf. F. expansif.] 1. Having a capacity or tendency to expand or dilate; diffusive; of much expanse; wide extending; as, the expansive force of heat; the expansive quality of air. [WordNet sense 1] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • expansive — [adj1] broad, comprehensive all embracing, ample, big, dilatant, elastic, expanding, expansile, extensive, far reaching, great, inclusive, large, scopic, scopious, stretching, thorough, unrepressed, unsuppressed, voluminous, wide, wide ranging,… …   New thesaurus

  • expansive — [ek span′siv] adj. [< L expansus (see EXPANSE) + IVE] 1. tending or being able to expand 2. of, or working by means of, expansion 3. widely extended; broad; extensive; comprehensive 4. characterized by a free and generous nature; sympathetic;… …   English World dictionary

  • expansive — index ample, broad, capacious, complete (all embracing), comprehensive, extensive, omnibus, open ended …   Law dictionary

  • expansive — 1650s, tending to expand, from L. expans (see EXPANSE (Cf. expanse)) + IVE (Cf. ive). Related: Expansively; expansiveness …   Etymology dictionary

  • expansive — *elastic, resilient, buoyant, volatile, effervescent Analogous words: exuberant, luxuriant, lavish, prodigal (see PROFUSE): generous, *liberal, bountiful, bounteous, open handed: exalted, magnified, aggrandized (see EXALT) Antonyms: tense:… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • expansive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) covering a wide area; extensive. 2) relaxed, genial, and communicative. 3) tending towards territorial expansion. DERIVATIVES expansively adverb expansiveness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • expansive — [[t]ɪkspæ̱nsɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n If something is expansive, it covers or includes a large area or many things. [FORMAL] There also are several swing sets and an expansive grassy play area... They have played an expansive style of rugby. 2) ADJ… …   English dictionary

  • Expansive — In mathematics, the notion of expansivity formalizes the notion of points moving away from one another under the action of an iterated function. The idea of expansivity is fairly rigid, as the definition of positive expansivity, below, as well as …   Wikipedia

  • expansive — ex|pan|sive [ıkˈspænsıv] adj 1.) very friendly and willing to talk a lot ▪ Hauser was in an expansive mood . 2.) very large in area, or using a lot of space ▪ expansive beaches ▪ She flung her arms out in an expansive gesture. 3.) including a lot …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • expansive — adjective Date: 1651 1. having a capacity or a tendency to expand 2. causing or tending to cause expansion 3. a. characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk ; open < grew expansive after dinner > b. marked by or indicative of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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