- expansionist
- [ıkʹspænʃ(ə)nıst] n
экспансионист, сторонник экспансии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
expansionist — EXPANSIONÍST, Ă, expansionişti, ste, adj. Care aparţine expansionismului, privitor la expansionism. [pr.: si o ] – Din fr. expansioniste. cf. rus. e k s p a n s i o n i s t , germ. E x p a n s i o n i s t . Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
expansionist — one who advocates the expansion of the territory of his nation, 1864, from EXPANSION (Cf. expansion) + IST (Cf. ist). Related: Expansionism … Etymology dictionary
expansionist — [[t]ɪkspæ̱nʃənɪst[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe a country or organization as expansionist, you disapprove of it because it has a policy of increasing its land or power. ...the intended victim of his expansionist foreign policy … English dictionary
expansionist — adj. Expansionist is used with these nouns: ↑policy … Collocations dictionary
expansionist — [ɪkˈspænʃ(ə)nˌɪst] adj an expansionist government or nation tries to get control over other regions and countries … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Expansionist nationalism — is an aggressive and radical form of nationalism that incorporates autonomous, patriotic sentiments with a belief in expansionism. The term was coined during the late nineteenth century as European powers indulged in the Scramble for Africa in… … Wikipedia
expansionist — I. noun see expansionism II. adjective see expansionism … New Collegiate Dictionary
expansionist — See expansionism. * * * … Universalium
expansionist — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to expansionism. 2. noun An advocate of expansionism … Wiktionary
Expansionist — Ex|pan|si|o|nịst, der; en, en (bildungsspr.): jmd., der auf stärkeres wirtschaftlich materielles Wachstum (mit Großtechnologie) ausgerichtet ist, ohne Rücksicht auf die Beeinträchtigung der natürlichen u. sozialen Lebensgrundlagen … Universal-Lexikon
Expansionist — Ex|pan|si|o|nist der; en, en <zu ↑...ist>: 1. Anhänger, Vertreter des Expansionismus. 2. jmd., der auf stärkeres wirtschaftlich materielles Wachstum (mit Großtechnologie) ausgerichtet ist, ohne Rücksicht auf die Beeinträchtigung der… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch