- esquimau
- 1. [ʹeskım|əʋ] (pl -aux [-{ʹeskım}əʋz]) = Eskimo I и II 2. [ʹeskım|əʋ] (pl -aux [-{ʹeskım}əʋz]) = Eskimo I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
esquimau — esquimau, aude [ ɛskimo, od ] n. et adj. VAR. eskimo • 1691; var. anc. eskimau; nom donné aux habitants des terres arctiques par leurs ennemis 1 ♦ Habitant des terres arctiques de l Amérique et du Groenland. ⇒ inuit(seule appellation en français… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Esquimau — Es qui*mau, n.; pl. {Esquimaux}. [F.] Same as {Eskimo}. [1913 Webster] It is . . . an error to suppose that where an Esquimau can live, a civilized man can live also. McClintock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Esquimau — [es′kə mō΄] n. pl. Esquimaux [es′kəmō΄, es′kəmōz΄] or Esquimau archaic sp. of ESKIMO … English World dictionary
esquimau — adj. 2 g. s. 2 g. Ver esquimó … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Esquimau — Eskimo Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Eskimo ou esquimau ou eskimau (plus rare) correspond généralement aux peuples Yupik et Inuit du grand nord canadien, de l Alaska et du Groenland.… … Wikipédia en Français
Esquimau — n. (pl. aux) = ESKIMO. Etymology: F * * * Esquimauan, adj. /es keuh moh /, n., pl. Esquimaux / moh , mohz /, (esp. collectively) Esquimau, adj. a former spelling of Eskimo. * * * Esquimau /esˈki mō/ noun (pl Esquimaux /esˈki mōz/) A French spelli … Useful english dictionary
Esquimau — Eskimo Es ki*mo, n.; pl. {Eskimos}. [Originally applied by the Algonquins to the Northern Indians, and meaning eaters of raw flesh.] (Ethnol.) One of a peculiar race inhabiting Arctic America and Greenland. In many respects the Eskimos resemble… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Esquimau — noun (plural Esquimau or Esquimaux) Etymology: French, from Montagnais (Algonquian language) Date: 1744 Eskimo … New Collegiate Dictionary
Esquimau — Esquimauan, adj. /es keuh moh /, n., pl. Esquimaux / moh , mohz /, (esp. collectively) Esquimau, adj. a former spelling of Eskimo. * * * … Universalium
esquimau — Es·qui·mau || eskɪməʊ adj. of or pertaining to esquimau n. (this term comes from Algonquin, meaning eater of raw flesh and is sometimes considered offensive) member of a people inhabiting the Arctic from Greenland to Eastern Siberia (also… … English contemporary dictionary
Esquimau canadien — Esquimau canadien … Wikipédia en Français