
1> образует прилагательные со значением:
(выполненный) в манере данного автора (художника) или
данного жанра
Dantesque дантовский
picaresque плутовской
chivalresque рыцарский
2> образует прилагательные со значением: подобный чему-либо
statuesque как стауэтка
picturesque живописный

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "esque" в других словарях:

  • -esque — Suffixe, de l ital. esco, à la manière de (ex.: gigantesque, dantesque). ⇒ ESQUE, suff. Suff. formateur d adj. dér. de noms communs, de noms propres et d adj. et qui indiquent une ressemblance, une manière d être ou d agir dont on accuse l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • -esque — [F., fr. It. isco. Cf. { ish}.] A suffix of certain words from the French, Italian, and Spanish. It denotes manner or style; like; as, arabesque, after the manner of the Arabs. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Esque — Caractéristiques Longueur  ? Bassin  ? Débit moyen  ? Régime …   Wikipédia en Français

  • -esque — suffix meaning resembling or suggesting the style of, from Fr. esque like, in the manner of, from It. esco, like M.L. iscus from a Germanic source (Cf. O.H.G. isc, Ger. isch, English ish; see ISH (Cf. ish)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • -esque — is a suffix forming adjectives, and corresponds to French esque or Italian esco (from the medieval Latin ending iscus). In English it occurs in words derived from Italian and French, e.g. grotesque, picaresque, picturesque, and is an active… …   Modern English usage

  • esque — [ esk ] suffix 1. ) used with the names of some people to make adjectives describing things relating to that person or their work: Kafkaesque bureaucracy 2. ) used with some nouns to make adjectives describing things that have a particular… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • -esque — ► SUFFIX ▪ (forming adjectives) in the style of: Kafkaesque. ORIGIN French, from Latin iscus …   English terms dictionary

  • -esque — [esk] [Fr < It esco < Gmc suffix akin to OHG isc, ISH] suffix forming adjectives 1. in the manner or style of [Romanesque] 2. having the quality of; like [statuesque] …   English World dictionary

  • esque — dis·ney·esque; pic·tur·esque; ro·man·esque; du·rer·esque; pic·tur·esque·ly; pic·tur·esque·ness; sculp·tur·esque·ly; stat·u·esque·ly; stat·u·esque·ness; …   English syllables

  • -esque — suffix forming adjectives meaning in the style of or resembling (romanesque; Schumannesque; statuesque). Etymology: F f. It. esco f. med.L iscus * * * esque, suffix forming adjectives from other adjectives or from nouns. 1. in the style;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • -esque — adjective suffix Etymology: French, from Italian esco, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German isc ish more at ish in the manner or style of ; like < statuesque > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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