
[eʹfi:bɔı] pl от ephebos

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "epheboi" в других словарях:

  • Greek religion — Beliefs, rituals, and mythology of the ancient Greeks. Though the worship of the sky god Zeus began as early as the 2nd millennium BC, Greek religion in the established sense began с 750 BC and lasted for over a thousand years, extending its… …   Universalium

  • Ephebos — This page refers to the social group denoted by this term. For other uses, eg in sculpture, see Ephebos (disambiguation). Ephebos (ἔφηβος) (often in the plural epheboi), also anglicised as ephebe (plural: ephebes) or archaically ephebus (plural:… …   Wikipedia

  • Dokimasia — In Ancient Greece, dokimasia (Greek: δοκιμασία) was the name used at Athens to denote the process of ascertaining the capacity of the citizens for the exercise of public rights and duties. If, for instance, a young citizen was to be admitted… …   Wikipedia

  • Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia — The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia (white star) near Sparta in the Peloponnesus The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, an Archaic site devoted in Classical times to Artemis, was one of the most important religious sites in the Greek city state of Sparta.[ …   Wikipedia

  • Lykaia — In Ancient Greece, the Lykaia (Greek: λυκαια) was an archaic festival with a secret ritual on the slopes of Mount Lykaion ( Wolf Mountain ), the tallest peak in rustic Arcadia. The rituals and myths of this primitive rite of passage centered upon …   Wikipedia

  • Ephebos (disambiguation) — In Antiquity, ephebos (often in the plural epheboi), also anglicised as ephebe (plural: ephebes) or archaically ephebus (plural: ephebi), is a Greek word for an adolescent male. It may refer to: *Ephebos, that age group or a social status… …   Wikipedia

  • Aglaulus, daughter of Cecrops — For other uses of this name, see Aglaulus. Aglaulus or Agraulos was in Greek mythology the daughter of Cecrops and Aglaulus, daughter of Actaeus. She had two offspring by two different gods, Alcippe (with Ares) and Ceryx (with Hermes). There were …   Wikipedia

  • Ephippus of Athens — Ephippus ( Ephippos ) of Athens was an Ancient Greek comic poet of the middle comedy.We learn this from the testimonies of Suidas and Antiochus of Alexandria [Athen. xi. p. 482, c. (cited by Smith)] , and from the allusions in his fragments to… …   Wikipedia

  • Athen [2] — Athen (Antiq.). I. Öffentliches Leben. A) Die Volksmasse war getheilt in: a) Bürger (Politai). Seit Theseus Zeit waren alle ansässige Bewohner Attikas Bürger, mit herabsteigendem Range von den Eupatridai, den von Geburt Edlen, welche die 1.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction       the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… …   Universalium

  • GYMNASIUM — GYMNASIUM, ancient Greek institution devoted to physical education and development of the body (γυμνός, naked ). Although originally established for functions of a purely athletic and competitive nature, the gymnasium eventually became dedicated… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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