- ephebic
- [eʹfi:bık] a
1. биол. взрослый, зрелый
ephebic stage - зрелый возраст
2. др.-греч. относящийся к эфебам
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ephebic stage - зрелый возраст
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ephebic — 1880 (the noun, ephebe, is attested from 1690s), from Gk. ephebos of age 18 20, from epi upon (see EPI (Cf. epi )) + hebe early manhood, from PIE *yegw a power, youth, strength. In classical Athens, a youth of 18 underwent his dokimasia, had his… … Etymology dictionary
ephebic — ə̇ˈfēbik, (ˈ)e|f adjective Etymology: Greek ephēbikos, from ephēbos + ikos ic 1. : of or relating to the ephebi ephebic oath ephebic inscriptions 2. biology : being between the neanic and gerontic stages … Useful english dictionary
ephebic oath — ephebic oath, 1. (in ancient Greece) the oath by which ephebes bound themselves to the service and defense of their country. 2. any solemn promise made by young men to become good citizens … Useful english dictionary
Ephebic Oath — The Ephebic Oath was an oath sworn by young men of ancient Athens upon induction into the Ephebic College, graduation from which was required to attain status as citizens. The oath, as traditionally rendered in English, is as follows::We will… … Wikipedia
ephebic — adjective Date: 1865 of, relating to, or characteristic of an ephebe or ephebus … New Collegiate Dictionary
ephebic — adj. [Gr. epi, upon; hebe, puberty] 1. Mature. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The adult; between the neanic and gerontic stage; the winged adult stage. 3. (BRYOZOA) Zooids laid down during the phase of astogenic repetition … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ephebic — See ephebe. * * * … Universalium
ephebic — adjective a) youthful b) pubescent, adolescent See Also: ephebe, ephebus … Wiktionary
ephebic — Rarely used term relating to the period of puberty or to a youth. [G. ephebikos, relating to youth, fr. hebe, youth] … Medical dictionary
ephebic — adj. of a young citizen (in ancient Greece) … English contemporary dictionary
ephebic — ephe·bic … English syllables