- eozoic
- [͵i:ə(ʋ)ʹzəʋık] a геол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
eozoic — eozóic adj. m. (sil. e o zo ic), pl. eozóici; f. sg. eozóică, pl. eozóice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic EOZÓIC s.n. Proterozoic. // adj. Care aparţine acestei er … Dicționar Român
Eozoic — E o*zo ic, a. [See {Eozo[ o]n}.] (Geol.) Of or pertaining to rocks or strata older than the Paleozoic, in many of which the eozo[ o]n has been found. [1913 Webster] Note: This term has been proposed for the strata formerly called Azoic, and is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eozoic — |ēə|zōik adjective or noun Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: eo + zoic 1. : precambrian 2. : Proterozoic or Algonkian * * * /ee euh zoh ik/, adj. Geol. (formerly) noting or pertaining to the Precambrian Era, esp. the period including the… … Useful english dictionary
Eozoic — /ee euh zoh ik/, adj. Geol. (formerly) noting or pertaining to the Precambrian Era, esp. the period including the beginnings of animal life. [1875 80; EO + ZO + IC] * * * … Universalium
Eozoic — adj. of or relating to rocks that are older than the Paleozoic Era; comprising earliest proof of animal life … English contemporary dictionary
eozoic — eo·zo·ic … English syllables
Eozoic — /ioʊˈzoʊɪk / (say eeoh zohik), /iə / (say eeuh ) noun the earliest span of geological time preceding the Archaeozoic and Proterozoic. {eo + zo(o) + ic} …
eozoic — a. containing earliest evidence of animal life … Dictionary of difficult words
Archaean — Ar*ch[ae] an, n. (Geol.) The earliest period in geological period, extending up to the Lower Silurian. It includes an Azoic age, previous to the appearance of life, and an Eozoic age, including the earliest forms of life. [1913 Webster] Note:… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
proterozoic — PROTEROZÓIC, Ă, proterozoici, ce, subst., adj. (geol.) Algonchian. [pr.: zo ic] – Din fr. protérozoïque, engl. proterozoic. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 PROTEROZÓIC adj., s. v … Dicționar Român
Azoic — A*zo ic, a. [Gr. a priv. + ? life, from ? to live.] Destitute of any vestige of organic life, or at least of animal life; anterior to the existence of animal life; formed when there was no animal life on the globe; as, the azoic. rocks. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English