EOUS — unus equorum Solis. Ovid. Met. l. 2. v. 153. Interea volucres Pyroeis, Eous et Aethon Solis equi, quartusque Phlegon hinnitibus auras … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
-eous — [ē əs] [< L eus + OUS] suffix suffix var. of OUS [gaseous] … English World dictionary
eous — hid·eous; hid·eous·ly; hid·eous·ness; stra·min·eous; touch·eous; con·san·guin·eous·ly; … English syllables
-eous — suffix forming adjectives meaning of the nature of (erroneous; gaseous). * * * ēəs, yəs; or əs when the e influences the pronunciation of the preceding consonant as in “cretaceous” adjective suffix Etymology: Latin eus composed of, of the nature… … Useful english dictionary
EOUS Oceanus — seu Or. pars est Oceani, versus ortum Asiae, prope Sinas, Iaponiam, et Philippinas Ins. Plin. l. 2. c. 108. l. 6. c. 13 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
-eous — an adjectival suffix with the meanings composed of, resembling, having the nature of, occurring in loanwords from Latin (igneous; ligneous; vitreous); also, as a semantically neutral suffix, found on adjectives of diverse origin, sometimes with… … Universalium
-eous — suffix (forming adjectives) resembling; displaying the nature of: aqueous. Origin from the L. suffix eus + ous … English new terms dictionary
-eous — aff. an adjectival suffix with the meanings “composed of,”“resembling, having the nature of,” occurring in loanwords from Latin (igneous; vitreous); also, as a semantically neutral suffix, found on adjectives of diverse origin, sometimes with… … From formal English to slang
-eous — variant of ous, occurring in adjectives taken from Latin or derived from Latin nouns. {Latin eus} …
right´eous|ly — right|eous «RY chuhs», adjective. 1. doing right; virtuous; behaving justly: »a righteous man. SYNONYM(S): upright, just. 2. proper, just, or right, especially morally right or justifiable: »righteous anger, a righteous cause. He was stirred by… … Useful english dictionary
right|eous — «RY chuhs», adjective. 1. doing right; virtuous; behaving justly: »a righteous man. SYNONYM(S): upright, just. 2. proper, just, or right, especially morally right or justifiable: »righteous anger, a righteous cause. He was stirred by righteous… … Useful english dictionary