- edematose
- [ıʹdemətə(ʋ)s] a мед.
1) отёчный2) страдающий водянкой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Edematose — Edematous E*de ma*tous, or Edematose E*de ma*tose , a. (Med.) Same as {[oe]dematous}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
edematose — edeˈmatose ● oedema * * * edematose, ous var. ff. œdematose, ous … Useful english dictionary
edematose — adj. suffering from an abnormal collection of fluid in a body cavity … English contemporary dictionary
Edematous — E*de ma*tous, or Edematose E*de ma*tose , a. (Med.) Same as {[oe]dematous}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
edema — edematous /i dem euh teuhs, i dee meuh /, edematose /i dem euh tohs , i dee meuh /, adj. /i dee meuh/, n., pl. edemas, edemata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. 1. effusion of serous fluid into the interstices of cells in tissue spaces or into body cavities … Universalium
edematoso — pl.m. edematosi sing.f. edematosa pl.f. edematose … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
swollen — adj 1. enlarged, tumid, tumescent, turgid, inflated, Obs. sufflated, distended, expanded, dilated, Pathol., Bot. hypertrophied; bloated, puffed up or out, puffy, Pathol. dropsical, Pathol. edematous, Pathol. edematose; full, filled, stuffed,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tumid — adj 1. swollen, enlarged, bloated, puffed up or out, puffy, Pathol. dropsical, Pathol. edematous, Pathol. edematose, Bot., Entomol. incras sate; tumescent, turgid, inflated, Obs. sufflated, distended, expanded, dilated, Pathol., Bot. hypertro… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
edema — /əˈdimə/ (say uh deemuh) noun (plural edemata /əˈdimətə/ (say uh deemuhtuh)) → oedema. –edematous /əˈdɛmətəs/ (say uh demuhtuhs), edematose /əˈdɛmətoʊs/ (say uh demuhtohs), adjective …