- edemata
- [ıʹdi:mətə] pl от edema
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
edemata — e·de·ma || iË diËmÉ™ n. abnormal collection of fluid in a body cavity … English contemporary dictionary
edema — edematous /i dem euh teuhs, i dee meuh /, edematose /i dem euh tohs , i dee meuh /, adj. /i dee meuh/, n., pl. edemas, edemata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. 1. effusion of serous fluid into the interstices of cells in tissue spaces or into body cavities … Universalium
edema — /əˈdimə/ (say uh deemuh) noun (plural edemata /əˈdimətə/ (say uh deemuhtuh)) → oedema. –edematous /əˈdɛmətəs/ (say uh demuhtuhs), edematose /əˈdɛmətoʊs/ (say uh demuhtohs), adjective …
edema — [ē dē′mə, idē′mə] n. pl. edemas or edemata [i dēmə tə] [ModL < Gr oidēma, a swelling, tumor < IE base * oid , to swell > OE ator, poison] 1. an abnormal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues, or cavities of the body, resulting in… … English World dictionary