- demiurge
- [ʹdi:mıɜ:dʒ,ʹdemıɜ:dʒ] n
1. книжн. создатель, творец, демиург2. ист. демиург
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
DÉMIURGE — La notion de démiurge revient à penser la réalité comme une création, puis de réduire celle ci à une fabrication. L’histoire des civilisations et la continuité des traditions culturelles montrent que le thème du démiurge est largement réparti et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Demiurge — • The word means literally a public worker, demioergós, demiourgós, and was originally used to designate any craftsman plying his craft or trade for the use of the public. Soon, however, technítes and other words began to be used to designate the … Catholic encyclopedia
Demiurge — Démiurge Le démiurge, ou le créateur, est la déité responsable de la création de l univers physique dans diverses cosmogonies. On attribue à Platon[1] la première mention du démiurge, qu il définit comme le dieu organisateur qui créa le monde à… … Wikipédia en Français
Demiurge — Dem i*urge, n. [Gr. dhmioyrgo s a worker for the people, a workman, especially the maker of the world, the Creator; dh mios belonging to the people (fr. dh^mos the people) + e rgon a work.] 1. (Gr. Antiq.) The chief magistrate in some of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
demiurge — 1670s, from Latinized form of Gk. demiourgos, lit. public or skilled worker (from demos common people + ergos work ). The title of a magistrate in some Peloponnesian city states and the Achæan League; taken in Platonic philosophy as a name for… … Etymology dictionary
demiurge — [dem′ē ʉrj΄] n. [Gr dēmiourgos, one who works for the people, skilled workman, creator < dēmios, belonging to the people < demos, the people: see DEMOCRACY) + ergos, worker (see WORK)] 1. [often D ] a) in Platonism, a deity or creative… … English World dictionary
Demiurge — Part of a series on God General conceptions … Wikipedia
Démiurge — Le démiurge, ou le créateur, est la déité responsable de la création de l univers physique dans diverses cosmogonies. Le mot vient du grec δημιουργός, démiourgos, formé de « démos », signifiant « gens du commun » et de… … Wikipédia en Français
demiurge — demiurgeous /dem ee err jeuhs/, demiurgic, demiurgical, adj. demiurgically, adv. /dem ee errj /, n. 1. Philos. a. Platonism. the artificer of the world. b. (in the Gnostic and certain other systems) a supernatural being imagined as creating or… … Universalium
demiurge — noun Something (as an institution, idea, or individual) conceived as an autonomous creative force or decisive power. that too was a gain in spiritual balance, provided the machine was not conceived as a demiurge that ruled all other human needs … Wiktionary
Demiurge — noun a) The subordinate being that fashions the perceptible world in the light of eternal ideas. For the rest, we meet in the Demiurge of the Valentinians all the traits of the world god with which we have by now become familiar and can therefore … Wiktionary