- demitasse
- [ʹdemıtæs] n фр.
1) кофейная чашечка2) чашечка чёрного кофе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
demitasse — also demi tasse, 1842, from French, lit. half cup, from DEMI (Cf. demi ) + tasse, an O.Fr. borrowing from Arabic tassah, from Pers. tasht cup, saucer (Cf. It. tazza, Sp. taza cup ) … Etymology dictionary
demitasse — [dem′i täs΄, dem′itas΄, dem′ētäs, dem′ētas΄] n. [Fr < demi (see DEMI ) + tasse, a cup (see TASS)] a small cup of or for black coffee served following dinner … English World dictionary
Demitasse — Red porcelain demitasse. Demitasse set with metal frames and spoons … Wikipedia
Demitasse — Die Mokkatasse oder auch Demitasse (aus dem Französischen, halbe Tasse ) ist eine Tasse, die generell zum Servieren von Mokka, Espresso oder türkischem Kaffee verwendet wird. Sie hat ein Fassungsvermögen je nach Modell von 60 bis 90 ml,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Demitasse spoon — Demitasse spoons with matching demitasse cups A demitasse spoon is a diminutive spoon, smaller than a teaspoon.[1] It is traditionally used for coffee drinks in specialty cups and for spooning cappuccino froth. It is also used as a baby spoon … Wikipedia
demitasse — noun Etymology: French demi tasse, from demi + tasse cup, from Middle French, from Arabic ṭass more at tazza Date: 1842 a small cup of black coffee; also the cup used to serve it … New Collegiate Dictionary
demitasse — /dem i tas , tahs /, n. 1. a small cup for serving strong black coffee after dinner. 2. the coffee contained in such a cup. [1835 45; < F: lit., half cup] * * * … Universalium
demitasse — noun a) A small cup of strong black coffee. b) The cup in which this coffee is served … Wiktionary
demitasse — n. small coffee cup … English contemporary dictionary
demitasse — (deu mee TAHSS) [French: half cup] A small cup in which strong after dinner coffee is served; the coffee itself … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
demitasse — [ dɛmɪtas] noun a small coffee cup. Origin C19: from Fr., lit. half cup … English new terms dictionary