- declaratory
- [dıʹklærət(ə)rı] a
1. = declarative 12. объяснительный, пояснительный
declaratory judgement - пояснение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
declaratory judgement - пояснение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
declaratory — de·clar·a·to·ry /di klar ə ˌtōr ē/ adj: serving to declare, set forth, or explain: as a: declaring what is the existing law b: declaring a legal right or interpretation declaratory relief see also declaratory judgment … Law dictionary
Declaratory — De*clar a*to*ry, a. [Cf. F. d[ e]claratoire.] Making declaration, explanation, or exhibition; making clear or manifest; affirmative; expressive; as, a clause declaratory of the will of the legislature. [1913 Webster] {Declaratory act} (Law), an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
declaratory — [dē kler′ə tôr΄ē, di kler′ə tôr΄ē] adj. 〚ME declaratorie < ML declaratorius〛 DECLARATIVE * * * de·clar·a·to·ry (dĭ klârʹə tôr ē, tōr ē) adj. 1. Declarative. 2. a. Setting forth that which is the law. b. Explaining a legal interpretation or right … Universalium
declaratory — mid 15c., from M.L. declaratorius, from L. declarator, from declarare (see DECLARE (Cf. declare)) … Etymology dictionary
declaratory — [dē kler′ə tôr΄ē, di kler′ə tôr΄ē] adj. [ME declaratorie < ML declaratorius] DECLARATIVE … English World dictionary
declaratory — adjective Date: 15th century 1. serving to declare, set forth, or explain 2. a. declaring what is the existing law < declaratory statute > b. declaring a legal right or interpretation < a declaratory judgment > … New Collegiate Dictionary
declaratory — /dəˈklærətri/ (say duh klaruhtree) adjective serving to explain rather than pronounce: the court gave a declaratory judgement, parliament passed a declaratory act. {Middle English declaratorie, from Latin} –declaratorily /dəˈklærətərəli/ (say duh …
declaratory — declare ► VERB 1) announce solemnly or officially. 2) (declare oneself) reveal one s intentions or identity. 3) (declared) having admitted that one is the specified thing: a declared atheist. 4) acknowledge possession of (income or goods on which … English terms dictionary
Declaratory Act — 1766 (Fake Version) Parliament of Great Britain Long title An Act for the better securing the dependency of His Majesty s dominions in America upon the Crown and Parliament of Great Britain … Wikipedia
declaratory judgment — see judgment 1a Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. declaratory judgment … Law dictionary
declaratory relief — See: declaratory judgment Category: If, When & Where to File a Lawsuit Category: Mediation, Arbitration & Collaborative Law Category: Representing Yourself in Court Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits … Law dictionary