- aglisten
- 1. [əʹglıs(ə)n] a predic
сверкающий, сияющий, блестящий2. [əʹglıs(ə)n] advсверкая
with shoes aglisten - в начищенной до блеска обуви
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
with shoes aglisten - в начищенной до блеска обуви
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aglisten — əˈ adjective Etymology: a (I) + glisten, v. : glistening the garden aglisten with dew * * * /euh glis euhn/, adj. refulgent; glistening. [1890 95; … Useful english dictionary
aglisten — /euh glis euhn/, adj. refulgent; glistening. [1890 95; A 1 + GLISTEN] * * * … Universalium
aglisten — aglis·ten … English syllables
brilliant — adj 1. shining, bright, sunny, sunshiny; illuminated, alight, light, lit, lighted; white, golden, rutilant, aureate; radiant, irradiant, lambent, resplendent, beaming, beamy; dazzling, vivid, intense, ablaze, aflame, afire; fulgent, effulgent,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
radiant — adj 1. shining, bright, sunny, sunshiny; illuminated, alight, lit, lighted; irradiant, lambent, resplendent, brilliant, beaming, beamy; dazzling, vivid, intense, ablaze, aflame, afire; fulgent, effulgent, refulgent; splendid, splendrous, gorgeous … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
refulgent — adj shining, glistening, aglisten, sparkling, glittering, aglitter; bright, sunny, sunshiny, illuminated, alight, lit, lighted, illuminated; irradiant, irradiated, lambent, resplendent, brilliant, beaming, beamy; dazzling, intense, ablaze, aflame … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
resplendent — adj 1. brilliant, radiant, irradiant, lambent; dazzling, vivid, intense, ablaze, aflame, afire; fulgent, effulgent, refulgent; shining, bright, illuminated, alight, lit; white, golden, rutilant, aureate; sparkling, scintillating, coruscating,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
shiny — adj glossy, glowing, lustrous, nitid, gleaming, agleam, sheenful, sheeny, burnished, polished, waxed; glassy, glistening, aglisten, shining, silken, smooth, sleek, satiny; bright, radiant, irradiant, effulgent, lambent, resplendent, beaming,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder