- aglint
- [əʹglınt] a predic
сверкающий, переливающийся, искрящийся, поблёскивающий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aglint — /euh glint /, adj. displaying bright points of light, as by reflection; glittering: a diamond tiara aglint under the ballroom lights. [1875 80; A 1 + GLINT] * * * … Universalium
aglint — adjective Glinting. Eyelids and curving lashes masked the gleam of jet black pupils, and beneath them one divined a languorous gaze, aglint on occasion with the fire of oriental passion … Wiktionary
aglint — əˈ adjective Etymology: a (I) + glint, v. : glinting an island aglint in the sun … Useful english dictionary
radiant — adj 1. shining, bright, sunny, sunshiny; illuminated, alight, lit, lighted; irradiant, lambent, resplendent, brilliant, beaming, beamy; dazzling, vivid, intense, ablaze, aflame, afire; fulgent, effulgent, refulgent; splendid, splendrous, gorgeous … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
a|glint — «uh GLIHNT», adjective, adverb. glinting; gleaming: »glasses aglint in the sun … Useful english dictionary