Смотреть что такое "viscounty" в других словарях:
viscounty — [vī′kount΄tē] n. pl. viscounties VISCOUNTCY … English World dictionary
Viscounty — Viscountship Vis count ship, Viscounty Vis count y, n. [F. vicomt[ e].] The quality, rank, or office of a viscount. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Viscounty of Limoges — Between Limoges, Brive and Périgueux, the viscounts of Limoges, also called viscounts of Ségur created a small principality, whose last heir was Henry IV. Ségur was the main home of these viscounts, in the heart of their domain. The viscounty… … Wikipedia
Viscounty of Besalú — The Viscounty of Besalú, or Bas (from the Latin Basso ), was the sub comital authority in the county of Besalú during the Middle Ages. It was ruled by the House of Cervera (also called Cerveró(n) or Cervelló(n) , from the Latin Cervaria ).… … Wikipedia
Viscounty of Léon — Historical regions in Brittany The Viscounty (or County) of Léon was a feudal state in extreme western Brittany in the High Middle Ages. Though nominally a vassal[1] of the sovereign Duke of Brittany, Léon was functionally independent of any … Wikipedia
viscounty — noun see viscount … New Collegiate Dictionary
viscounty — /vuy kown tee/, n., pl. viscounties. 1. viscountcy. 2. Hist. the jurisdiction of a viscount or the territory under his authority. [1580 90; VISCOUNT + Y3] * * * … Universalium
viscounty — noun a) The territory administered by a viscount as (notably royal) official b) An estate held (as fief or nominally) with the title of viscount See Also: county, viscountcy … Wiktionary
viscounty — (also viscountcy) noun (plural viscounties) the land under the authority of a viscount … English new terms dictionary
viscounty — vis·county … English syllables
viscounty — /ˈvaɪkaʊnti/ (say vuykowntee) noun (plural viscounties) 1. → viscountcy. 2. History the jurisdiction of a viscount, or the territory under his authority. {viscount + y3} …