Смотреть что такое "viscountship" в других словарях:
Viscountship — Vis count ship, Viscounty Vis count y, n. [F. vicomt[ e].] The quality, rank, or office of a viscount. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
viscountship — viˈscountcy or viˈscountship noun A viscounty • • • Main Entry: ↑viscount … Useful english dictionary
Viscounty — Viscountship Vis count ship, Viscounty Vis count y, n. [F. vicomt[ e].] The quality, rank, or office of a viscount. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Viscount — A viscount (pron en|ˈvaɪkaʊnt VAI count) is a member of the European nobility whose comital title ranks usually, as in the British peerage, above a baron, below an earl (in Britain) or a count (the earl s continental equivalent).EtymologyThe word … Wikipedia
Heusden, Belgium — Heusden was a municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders. In 1977 it merged with the municipality of Destelbergen, of which it is now part.It was mentioned for the first time in 11th century, by abbot Othejbold. Years after the … Wikipedia
Béziers — For the type of mathematically defined curve, see Bézier curve. Béziers St. Nazaire Cathedral and Pont Vieux … Wikipedia
Osona — Osona, or Ausona (in Latin and Castilian), was one of the Catalan counties of the marca Hispanica in the Early and High Middle Ages. It was based around the capital city of Vic ( Vicus ) and the corresponding diocese, whose territory was roughly… … Wikipedia
Charles Stanhope, Viscount Petersham — Charles Henry Leicester Stanhope, Viscount Petersham (born July 20 1945) is the son of William Stanhope, 11th Earl of Harrington and Eileen Grey. As heir apparent to the Harrington earldom, he bears the courtesy title of Viscount Petersham… … Wikipedia
Doullens — Town hall … Wikipedia
Veurne-Ambacht — was a viscounty (nl icon kasselrij , burggraafschap ) in the County of Flanders. Agriculture contributed mostly to the prosperous area.In the viscountship s capitol city Veurne, the Landhuis [In the city of Veurne s center, the name Landhuis… … Wikipedia
Nunnington Hall — south elevation Type Yorkshire Manor House Proprietor National Trust Main feature Ma … Wikipedia