taxi-dance hall

taxi-dance hall
[ʹtæksıdɑ:ns͵hɔ:l] амер.
дансинг с профессиональными партнёрами и партнёршами

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "taxi-dance hall" в других словарях:

  • Taxi dance hall — A taxi dance hall is a type of dance hall where young women called taxi dancers, are paid to dance with male patrons. The owners of a taxi dance hall provide music and a dance floor for their patrons and taxi dancers. In the United States during… …   Wikipedia

  • taxi dance hall — noun : a dance hall catering to men and providing taxi dancers as partners …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dance hall — This article is about a place for dancing. For other uses, see Dance hall (disambiguation). Dance hall in its general meaning is a hall for dancing. From the earliest years of the twentieth century until the early 1960s, the dance hall was the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dance hall (disambiguation) — The term dance hall may refer to: Dance hall, a hall for dancing Dancehall Queens , Female celebrities in the music genre Dancehall Taxi dance hall, where male patrons hire girls to dance with them Dance Hall (film), a 1950 British film produced… …   Wikipedia

  • Taxi dancer — A taxi dancer, or taxi for short (the word has been used since circa 1927), is a paid dance partner in a partner dance. For official purposes in the US, their occupation was referred to as dancer , when they worked in taxi dance halls that had… …   Wikipedia

  • taxi dancer — ☆ taxi dancer n. [so called (based on TAXICAB) because hired to dance] a person employed at a dance hall to dance with patrons, who pay a fee …   English World dictionary

  • taxi — 1907, shortening of taximeter cab (introduced in London in March 1907), from taximeter automatic meter to record the distance and fare (1898), from Fr. taximètre, from Ger. Taxameter (1890), coined from M.L. taxa tax, charge. An earlier English… …   Etymology dictionary

  • taxi dancer — noun a woman employed to dance with patrons who pay a fee for each dance • Hypernyms: ↑dancer, ↑professional dancer, ↑terpsichorean * * * taxi dancer [taxi dancer] noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • dance — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Motion to music Nouns 1. dance, dancing; ball, formal, tea dance, thé dansant, cotillion, promenade, dinner dance; masquerade, masked ball, bal masqué, fancy dress ball. Informal, drag, hop, prom, mixer …   English dictionary for students

  • taxi dancer — a girl or woman employed, as by a dance hall, to dance with patrons who pay a fee for each dance or for a set period of time. [1925 30; so called because such a dancer, like a taxi, is hired for the occasion] * * * …   Universalium

  • taxi dancer — tax′i danc er n. mad a person, usu. a woman, employed, as by a dance hall, to dance with patrons who pay a fee for each dance • Etymology: 1925–30; so called because such a dancer, like a taxi, is hired for the occasion …   From formal English to slang

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