- taxi-cab
- [ʹtæksıkæb] = taxi I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
taxi - cab — A taxi or cab is a car driven by a person whose job is to take people where they want to go, in return for money. There is no difference in meaning between taxi and cab. Both words are used in British and American English. However, taxi is more… … Useful english dictionary
taxi·cab — /ˈtæksiˌkæb/ noun, pl cabs : ↑taxi, 1 [count] He drives a taxicab. [noncount] They arrived by taxicab … Useful english dictionary
taxi-cab — see taxicab … English dictionary
taxi-cab — … Useful english dictionary
Bahamas Taxi Cab Union — Infobox Union| name= country= The Bahamas affiliation= members= full name= Bahamas Taxi Cab Union native name= founded= current= head= dissolved date= dissolved state= merged into= office= Nassau, Bahamas people= Felton Cox, president Roscoe… … Wikipedia
Cab — 〈[kæ̣b] n. 15; engl. Bez. für〉 1. Taxi 2. 〈früher; Abk. für〉 Kabriolett * * * Cab [kæb ], das; s, s [engl. cab, Kurzf. von: cabriolet = Kabriolett] (früher): 1. einspännige englische Droschke. 2 … Universal-Lexikon
cab — ► NOUN 1) (also taxi cab) a taxi. 2) the driver s compartment in a truck, bus, or train. 3) historical a horse drawn vehicle for public hire. ORIGIN abbreviation of CABRIOLET(Cf. ↑cabriolet) … English terms dictionary
Taxi — Sn (auch Taxe f.) std. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. taxi oder frz. taxi. Gekürzt aus frz. taximètre Taxameter , also Fahrzeug mit Preisanzeiger . Ebenso nndl. taxi, ne. taxi(cab), nfrz. taxi, nschw. taxi, taxameterbil, nnorw. taxi;… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
taxi — taxi·cab; taxi; … English syllables
Taxi (2004 film) — Infobox Film name = Taxi | Taxi film poster director = Tim Story writer = Luc Besson, Thomas Lennon, Ben Garant starring = Queen Latifah, Jimmy Fallon, Gisele Bündchen, Jennifer Esposito producer = Luc Besson Robert Simonds distributor= 20th… … Wikipedia
taxi — n. & v. n. (pl. taxis) 1 (in full taxi cab) a motor car licensed to ply for hire and usu. fitted with a taximeter. 2 a boat etc. similarly used. v. (taxis, taxied, taxiing or taxying) 1 a intr. (of an aircraft or pilot) move along the ground… … Useful english dictionary