advanced student

advanced student
1) студент университета
2) аспирант
3) продвинутый, подготовленный учащийся; учащийся, уже овладевший основами предмета

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "advanced student" в других словарях:

  • advanced — [[t]ædvɑ͟ːnst, væ̱nst[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n An advanced system, method, or design is modern and has been developed from an earlier version of the same thing. Many are afraid that, without more training or advanced technical skills,… …   English dictionary

  • advanced — ad|vanced [ əd vænst ] adjective *** 1. ) based on the most recent methods or ideas: advanced technology an advanced communications system a ) an advanced society uses the most recent technology or ideas: advanced nations 2. ) at a high academic… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • advanced */*/*/ — UK [ədˈvɑːnst] / US [ədˈvænst] adjective 1) a) based on the most recent methods or ideas advanced technology an advanced communications system b) an advanced society uses the most recent technology or ideas advanced nations 2) a) at a high… …   English dictionary

  • Student loans in Canada — help post secondary students pay for their education in Canada. The federal government funds the Canada Student Loan Program (CSLP) and the provinces may fund their own programs or run in parallel with the CSLP. In addition, Canadian banks offer… …   Wikipedia

  • Student–teacher ratio — Student teacher ratio refers to the number of teachers in a school or university with respect to the number of students who attend the institution. For example, a student teacher ratio of 10:1 indicates that there are 10 students for every one… …   Wikipedia

  • Student Congress — (also known as Congressional Debate) is a form of high school debate in the United States. The National Forensic League and National Catholic Forensic League offer Student Congress as an event, as do many national debate tournaments and State… …   Wikipedia

  • Advanced Open Water Diver — (AOWD) is a scuba diving certification level provided by several diver training agencies, such as PADI, SSI and UEF. The equivalent course provided by NAUI is the Advanced SCUBA Diver (historically, it previously had been known at NAUI as OW II… …   Wikipedia

  • Student-teacher ratio — refers to the number of teachers in a school or university with respect to the number of students who attend the institution. For example, a student teacher ratio of 10:1 indicates that there are 10 students for every one teacher. The term can… …   Wikipedia

  • Advanced Placement exams — Advanced Placement examinations are taken each May by students at participating Canadian, American, and international educational institutions. The tests are the culmination of year long AP courses. All but one of the AP exams combine multiple… …   Wikipedia

  • advanced credit — ☆ advanced credit or advanced standing n. credit toward a degree allowed to a student by a college for courses taken elsewhere or for high scores on preliminary examinations …   English World dictionary

  • advanced standing — advanced′ stand′ing n. edu credit granted by a college to a student for studies completed elsewhere • Etymology: 1780–90 …   From formal English to slang

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