advanced standing

advanced standing
[əd͵vɑ:nstʹstændıŋ] амер. унив.
статус студента, зачисленного на один из старших курсов с зачётом предметов, сданных в другом вузе

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "advanced standing" в других словарях:

  • advanced standing — noun 1. : the standing of a student who has been granted advanced credit 2. : advanced credit * * * 1. credit for studies completed elsewhere, granted to a student by a college or university. 2. the higher academic status of a student granted… …   Useful english dictionary

  • advanced standing — advanced′ stand′ing n. edu credit granted by a college to a student for studies completed elsewhere • Etymology: 1780–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • advanced standing — 1. credit for studies completed elsewhere, granted to a student by a college or university. 2. the higher academic status of a student granted such credit. [1780 90] * * * …   Universalium

  • advanced credit — ☆ advanced credit or advanced standing n. credit toward a degree allowed to a student by a college for courses taken elsewhere or for high scores on preliminary examinations …   English World dictionary

  • standing — n. duration 1) of (long) standing (a custom of long standing) status 2) academic; advanced standing (at a university) 3) standing among, with (standing among the voters) 4) the standing to + inf. (who has the standing to take over the leadership… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Advanced Level (UK) — The A level , short for Advanced Level, is a General Certificate of Education qualification in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, usually taken by students during the optional final two years of secondary school (years 12 13, usually ages 16… …   Wikipedia

  • Standing Buddha — The Standing Buddha of the Tokyo National Museum is a remarkable example of Greco Buddhist statuary. It is one of the finest pieces known to this day. Comparable ones can be found in the Musee Guimet in France, and in various museum of the Indian …   Wikipedia

  • Advanced Institute of Management Research — Mission Statement The Advanced Institute of Management (AIM) Research is a unique initiative in the field of management research. Funding world class people to do world class research, AIM stimulates new thinking which has an immediate and… …   Wikipedia

  • Standing's day gecko — Taxobox name = Standing s day gecko image width = 240px status = VU status system = iucn2.3 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Squamata familia = Gekkonidae subfamilia = Gekkoninae genus = Phelsuma species = P.… …   Wikipedia

  • Advanced Multiple Organized Experimental Basin — The Advanced Multiple Organized Experimental Basin or AMOEBA is an experimental device created by Mitsui Engineering that uses standing waves in water to form letters and some kanji characters. It consists of fifty wave generators around a 5 foot …   Wikipedia

  • advanced glycation end-products — damaged proteins that result from the glycation of a large number of body proteins, which can accumulate and cause permanent damage to tissues. This damage is more prevalent in diabetics due to chronic exposure to blood with high concentrations… …   Medical dictionary

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