Смотреть что такое "kauri-resin" в других словарях:
Kauri resin — Kauri resin, Kauri gum Kauri gum, or Kauri copal Kauri copal A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for amber.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kauri resin — a hard resin obtained from the bark of the kauri or found, sometimes in masses of as much as 100 lb. (45 kg), in the soil where the tree has grown: used chiefly in making varnish. Also, kauri, kauri gum, kauri copal. [1855 60] * * * … Universalium
kauri resin — noun resin of the kauri trees of New Zealand; found usually as a fossil; also collected for making varnishes and linoleum • Syn: ↑kauri, ↑kauri copal, ↑kauri gum • Hypernyms: ↑copal … Useful english dictionary
kauri resin — noun see kauri … New Collegiate Dictionary
Kauri copal — Kauri resin Kauri resin, Kauri gum Kauri gum, or Kauri copal Kauri copal A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kauri gum — Kauri resin Kauri resin, Kauri gum Kauri gum, or Kauri copal Kauri copal A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kauri — [kou′rē] n. [Maori] 1. a tall evergreen tree (Agathis australis) of the pine family, growing in New Zealand 2. its wood 3. a resin (kauri resin, kauri gum) from this tree, often found as a fossil, used in varnishes, adhesives, and linoleum … English World dictionary
Kauri — Kau ri, n. (a) Kauri resin. (b) By extension, any of various species of {Dammara}; as, the red kauri ({Dammara lanceolata}). [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kauri-butanol — The Kauri butanol value ( Kb value ) is an international, standardized measure of solvent power for a hydrocarbon solvent, and is governed by an ASTM standardized test, ASTM D1133. The result of this test is a scaleless index, usually referred to … Wikipedia
kauri copal — noun resin of the kauri trees of New Zealand; found usually as a fossil; also collected for making varnishes and linoleum • Syn: ↑kauri, ↑kauri resin, ↑kauri gum • Hypernyms: ↑copal * * * noun see kauri 3 … Useful english dictionary
kauri gum — noun resin of the kauri trees of New Zealand; found usually as a fossil; also collected for making varnishes and linoleum • Syn: ↑kauri, ↑kauri copal, ↑kauri resin • Hypernyms: ↑copal * * * noun see kauri 3 … Useful english dictionary