
[ʹkaʋ(ə)rıgʌm] n
смола каури; копал, копаловый лак

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "kauri-gum" в других словарях:

  • Kauri gum — Kauri resin Kauri resin, Kauri gum Kauri gum, or Kauri copal Kauri copal A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kauri gum — /ˈkaʊri gʌm/ (say kowree gum) noun the resin, used in making varnish, which exudes from the thick bark of the kauri. Masses weighing as much as 45 kg are found in soil where the trees have grown. Also, kauri copal, kauri resin …  

  • kauri gum — noun resin of the kauri trees of New Zealand; found usually as a fossil; also collected for making varnishes and linoleum • Syn: ↑kauri, ↑kauri copal, ↑kauri resin • Hypernyms: ↑copal * * * noun see kauri 3 …   Useful english dictionary

  • kauri gum — noun see kauri …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Gum-digger — Gum diggers were men and women who dug for kauri gum, a fossilised resin, in the old kauri fields of New Zealand at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The gum was used mainly for varnish.The term may be a source for the nick …   Wikipedia

  • Kauri copal — Kauri resin Kauri resin, Kauri gum Kauri gum, or Kauri copal Kauri copal A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kauri resin — Kauri resin, Kauri gum Kauri gum, or Kauri copal Kauri copal A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for amber.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gum — or GUM may refer to:Confectionary* Chewing gum * Functional chewing gum or Functional gum * Bubble gum * Wine gum * Gumdrop * Gum base * Gum industryNatural gums* Gum anima * Gum arabic * Cassia gum * Dammar gum * Gellan gum * Guar gum * Locust… …   Wikipedia

  • kauri — ⇒KAURI, subst. masc. BOT. Grand conifère de la Nouvelle Zélande (Agathis ou Dammara australis) dont on utilise la résine pour la fabrication de certains vernis. Puis apparaissaient, confondus et entremêlés, les arbres des contrées si différentes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • kauri — [kou′rē] n. [Maori] 1. a tall evergreen tree (Agathis australis) of the pine family, growing in New Zealand 2. its wood 3. a resin (kauri resin, kauri gum) from this tree, often found as a fossil, used in varnishes, adhesives, and linoleum …   English World dictionary

  • gum-digger — gumˈ digger noun 1. A person who digs up fossilized kauri gum (NZ) 2. A dentist (old Aust informal) • • • Main Entry: ↑gum …   Useful english dictionary

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