- zealotry
- [ʹzelətrı] n
фанатизм; изуверство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Zealotry — eal ot*ry, n. The character and behavior of a zealot; excess of zeal; fanatical devotion to a cause. [1913 Webster] Enthusiasm, visionariness, seems the tendency of the German; zeal, zealotry, of the English; fanaticism, of the French. Coleridge … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zealotry — index resolution (decision) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
zealotry — (n.) 1650s, from ZEALOT (Cf. zealot) + RY (Cf. ry) … Etymology dictionary
Zealotry — Zealot redirects here. For other uses, see Zealot (disambiguation). Zealotry was originally a political movement in 1st century Second Temple Judaism which sought to incite the people of Iudaea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel … Wikipedia
zealotry — zealot ► NOUN 1) a fanatical and uncompromising follower of a religion or policy. 2) (Zealot) a member of an ancient Jewish sect aiming at a world Jewish theocracy and resisting the Romans until AD 70. DERIVATIVES zealotry noun … English terms dictionary
zealotry — noun (plural ries) Date: 1656 excess of zeal ; fanatical devotion … New Collegiate Dictionary
zealotry — /zel euh tree/, n. undue or excessive zeal; fanaticism. [1650 60; ZEALOT + RY] * * * … Universalium
zealotry — noun /ˈzɛlətri/ Something characteristic of a zealot; excessive zeal; fanaticism. See Also: zealot, zealous, zealousness … Wiktionary
zealotry — Synonyms and related words: bibliolatry, bigotry, charismatic gift, charismatic movement, charismatic renewal, excessiveness, extravagance, extremeness, extremism, fanaticalness, fanaticism, fervor, frenzy, fury, gift of tongues, glossolalia,… … Moby Thesaurus
zealotry — zeal·ot·ry || zɪËlÉ™trɪ n. fanaticism, extreme fanaticism, fanatic zeal … English contemporary dictionary
zealotry — n 1. fanaticism, single mindedness, obsession, monomania; feverishness, passion, frenzy, hysteria, insanity. 2. dogmatism, bigotry, intolerance, close mindedness, narrow mindedness; prejudice, bias, partiality … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder