- zealot
- [ʹzelət] n
1. 1) фанатичный приверженец (чего-л.); ревнитель, энтузиаст
zealots of reform - энтузиасты-реформаторы
2) разг. фанатик; изувер2. (Zealot) ист. зилот
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
zealots of reform - энтузиасты-реформаторы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Zealot — Primera aparición WildC.AT.s Vol. 1 # 1 (Agosto de 1992) Image/Wildstorm /DC Comics Creador(es) Brandon Choi, Jim Lee Información Nombre original … Wikipedia Español
zealot — ► NOUN 1) a fanatical and uncompromising follower of a religion or policy. 2) (Zealot) a member of an ancient Jewish sect aiming at a world Jewish theocracy and resisting the Romans until AD 70. DERIVATIVES zealotry noun … English terms dictionary
zealot — [zel′ət] n. [LL(Ec) zelotes, one who is jealous < Gr zēlōtēs, zealous follower < zēloun, to be zealous < zēlos,ZEAL] 1. a person who is zealous, esp. to an extreme or excessive degree; fanatic 2. [Z ] among the ancient Jews, a member of… … English World dictionary
Zealot — eal ot, n. [F. z[ e]lote, L. zelotes, Gr. ?. See {Zeal}.] One who is zealous; one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor; especially, one who is overzealous, or carried away by his zeal; one absorbed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zealot — index addict, bigot, partisan Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
zealot — (n.) c.1300, member of a militant 1st century Jewish sect which fiercely resisted the Romans in Palestine, from L.L. Zelotes, from Gk. zelotes one who is a zealous follower, from zeloun to be zealous, from zelos zeal (see ZEAL (Cf. zeal)).… … Etymology dictionary
zealot — *enthusiast, fanatic, bigot Analogous words: partisan, sectary, adherent, disciple, *follower: devotee, votary (see ADDICT) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
zealot — [n] enthusiast activist, diehard, extremist, fanatic, fiend, maniac, militant, nut, radical, ultra*, young Turk; concept 423 Ant. moderate … New thesaurus
zealot — noun York was too much of a zealot for the party to endorse seriously Syn: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, young Turk, diehard, true believer, activist, militant; bigot, dogmatist, sectarian, partisan; informal fiend, maniac, ultra, nut; … Thesaurus of popular words
Zealot — Gordon W. Zealot (* in Toronto; bürgerlicher Name: Gordon Wojcickowski) ist Koch , Performancekünstler und Musiker. Leben Als Teenager in den 1970er Jahren wurde Gordon W. Zealot von der Schule verwiesen, nachdem er und ein Schulfreund an einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
zealot — n. a religious zealot * * * [ zelət] a religious zealot … Combinatory dictionary