yours truly

yours truly
1) преданный Вам (в конце письма)
2) шутл. Ваш покорный слуга

but yours truly was not there - но вашего покорного слуги /меня/ там не было

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "yours truly" в других словарях:

  • Yours Truly — Álbum de Sublime with Rome Publicación 12 de julio de 2011 Grabación Febrero–Abril 2011 en Sonic Ranch en El Paso, Texas Género(s) Ska punk Reggae Rock alte …   Wikipedia Español

  • Yours truly — may refer to:* Yours truly, a form of valediction, especially at the end of a written communication * Yours Truly ( Snow Crash ), a character in the Neal Stephenson novel, Snow Crash * Yours Truly (song), a song by Blindspott * Yours Truly (Air… …   Wikipedia

  • Yours Truly — Yours Truly, Angry Mob Yours Truly, Angry Mob альбом Kaiser Chiefs Дата выпуска 2007 …   Википедия

  • yours truly — {adv. phr.} 1. Signing off at the end of letters. * /Yours truly, Tom Smith./ 2. I, the first person singular pronoun, frequently abbreviated as t.y. * /As t.y. has often pointed out.../ * /T.y. is not really interested in the offer./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • yours truly — {adv. phr.} 1. Signing off at the end of letters. * /Yours truly, Tom Smith./ 2. I, the first person singular pronoun, frequently abbreviated as t.y. * /As t.y. has often pointed out.../ * /T.y. is not really interested in the offer./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Yours Truly — Album par 16 Horsepower Sortie janvier 2010 Genre Rock alternatif Folk alternative Label Glitterhouse Alb …   Wikipédia en Français

  • yours truly — ► yours truly 1) used as a formula for ending a letter. 2) humorous used to refer to oneself. Main Entry: ↑truly …   English terms dictionary

  • yours truly — n. 1. a phrase or formula used before the signature in ending a letter 2. Informal I or me …   English World dictionary

  • yours truly — me. Even though he never graduated from high school, his business ability rivaled anyone s, yours truly included. Some folks, such as yours truly, can t resist a clever pun or play on words. Usage notes: usually used as a humorous way of… …   New idioms dictionary

  • yours truly — n. me, the speaker or writer. □ If yours truly had a problem like that, it would be settled by nightfall. □ If it was up to yours truly, there wouldn’t be any such problem …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • yours truly — phrasal i, me, myself < I can take care of yours truly > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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