
1> преим. _ам. боковая дорога
2> поворот
he took the wrong turn-off он не туда свернул
3> поворотный пункт
4> готовая продукция; выпуск
5> поголовье или вес вывозимого на продажу (домашнего) скота

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "turnoff" в других словарях:

  • turnoff — [tʉrn′ôf΄] n. 1. the act of turning off ☆ 2. a place where one turns off; esp., a road or ramp leading off a highway 3. Slang someone or something regarded as being boring, uninteresting, distasteful, etc …   English World dictionary

  • turnoff — noun Date: circa 1852 1. a turning off 2. a place where one turns off; especially exit 4 3. one that causes loss of interest or enthusiasm < the music was a turnoff > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • turnoff — /terrn awf , of /, n. 1. a small road that branches off from a larger one, esp. a ramp or exit leading off a major highway: He took the wrong turnoff and it took him some 15 minutes to get back on the turnpike. 2. a place at which one diverges… …   Universalium

  • turnoff — noun 1. something causing antagonism or loss of interest • Syn: ↑negative stimulation • Derivationally related forms: ↑turn off • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism • Hypernyms: ↑stimula …   Useful english dictionary

  • Turnoff point — The turnoff point for a star refers to the point on the Hertzsprung Russell diagram where it leaves the main sequence after the exhaustion of its main fuel.Red dwarfs are stars of 0.08 0.4 solar masses and are also referred to as class M stars.… …   Wikipedia

  • turnoff — noun a) A road or path that branches off from a main one b) A distasteful or uninteresting event …   Wiktionary

  • turnoff — n. exit off of a main road; point of deviation from a course; something that repels (Colloquial); product of some manufacturing processes …   English contemporary dictionary

  • turnoff — turn•off [[t]ˈtɜrnˌɔf, ˌɒf[/t]] n. 1) trs a road that branches off from a larger one, esp. an exit off a highway 2) a place at which one changes from a former course 3) an act of turning off 4) sts Slang. something or someone that makes one lose… …   From formal English to slang

  • turnoff — n. something unappealing, unenjoyable, or disgusting …   English slang

  • turnoff taxiway — A taxiway specifically designed to provide aircraft with the means to expedite clearing a runway. See rapid exit taxiway …   Aviation dictionary

  • TV turnoff — Week was launched by Adbusters magazine and other organizations in 1994 and championed by TV Free America (which is now called Center for SCREEN TIME Awareness, CSTA). The CSTA is an organization that encourage all people to use electronic… …   Wikipedia

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