turnkey — turn‧key [ˈtɜːnkiː ǁ ˈtɜːrn ] adjective [only before a noun] turnkey project S or systems are ones that have been produced in such a way that they are ready to be used immediately by a customer: • The unit provides turnkey software systems to… … Financial and business terms
turnkey — index warden Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 turnkey … Law dictionary
Turnkey — Turn key , n.; pl. {Turnkeys}. [1913 Webster] 1. A person who has charge of the keys of a prison, for opening and fastening the doors; a warder. [1913 Webster] 2. (Dentistry) An instrument with a hinged claw, used for extracting teeth with a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
turnkey — (adj.) 1650s, jailer, from TURN (Cf. turn) + KEY (Cf. key). In reference to a job that only has to be done once, it is recorded from 1934. The notion is of locking up afterward … Etymology dictionary
turnkey — ► NOUN (pl. turnkeys) archaic ▪ a jailer … English terms dictionary
turnkey — turnkey1 [tʉrn′kē΄] n. pl. turnkeys a person in charge of the keys of a prison; warder; jailer ☆ turnkey2 [tʉrn′kē΄ ] adj. [because the new owner of a housing project unit so constructed need only turn the door key to take occupancy] designating … English World dictionary
Turnkey — A turnkey or a turnkey project is a project in which separate entities are responsible for setting up a plant or equipment (e.g. trains/infrastructure) and for putting it into operation. It can include contractual actions at least through the… … Wikipedia
turnkey — I. noun (plural turnkeys) Date: 1647 one who has charge of a prison s keys II. adjective Date: 1927 built, supplied, or installed complete and ready to operate < a turnkey nuclear plant > < a turnkey computer system >; also of or relating to a tu … New Collegiate Dictionary
turnkey — 1. adjective ready to use without further assembly or test; supplied in a state that is ready to turn on and operate (typically refers to an assembly that is outsourced for manufacture) They wanted a turnkey solution for the entire system, but we … Wiktionary
turnkey — /terrn kee /, n., pl. turnkeys., adj. n. 1. a person who has charge of the keys of a prison; jailer. adj. 2. Also, turn key. of, pertaining to, or resulting from an arrangement under which a private contractor designs and constructs a project,… … Universalium
turnkey — turn|key1 [ tɜrn,ki ] adjective complete and ready to be used immediately: a turnkey computer system turnkey turn|key 2 [ tɜrn,ki ] noun count someone in the past who was in charge of the keys in a prison … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English