wool-gathering — A person who is wool gathering is daydreaming and not concentrating on what his happening; their thoughts are elsewhere. Justin spent the whole afternoon wool gathering. He must be in love! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
wool-gathering — /ˈwʊl gæðərɪŋ / (say wool gadhuhring) noun 1. indulgence in desultory fancies or a fit of abstraction; idle speculation. 2. gathering of the tufts of wool as caught on bushes, etc., by passing sheep. –adjective 3. inattentive; abstracted. –wool… …
wool-gathering — noun indulgence in aimless thought. Derivatives wool gather verb … English new terms dictionary
wool-gathering — n. Vagary, idle fancy, foolish enterprise, useless pursuit, wild goose chase … New dictionary of synonyms
wool-gathering — Not concentrating on the matter in hand. Wandering mentally … A concise dictionary of English slang
wool-gathering — n absent mindedness, day dreaming, forgetfulness, distraction, inattention, preoccupation … Useful english dictionary
wool — n. 1 fine soft wavy hair from the fleece of sheep, goats, etc. 2 a yarn produced from this hair. b cloth or clothing made from it. 3 any of various wool like substances (steel wool). 4 soft short under fur or down. 5 colloq. a person s hair, esp … Useful english dictionary
wool|gath|er|ing — «WUL GATH uhr ihng, GATH rihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. an absorption in thinking or daydreaming; absent mindedness. 2. the gathering up of fragments of wool torn from sheep, as by bushes. –adj. inattentive; absent minded; dreamy … Useful english dictionary
go a wool-gathering — Go on a fool s errand, go on a wild goose chase, go on a sleeveless errand, reckon without one s host … New dictionary of synonyms
Cashmere wool — Cashmere wool, usually simply known as cashmere, and sometimes known as Pashmina, is a fiber obtained from the Cashmere goat. The word cashmere derives from an archaic spelling of Kashmir . Cashmere wool is fine in texture, and it is also strong … Wikipedia
Bee (gathering) — A bee, as used in quilting bee or spelling bee , is an old word to describe a gathering of friends and neighbors to accomplish a task or to hold a competition. The tasks were often major jobs, such as clearing a field of timber or raising a barn … Wikipedia