Смотреть что такое "wool-dyed" в других словарях:
Wool-dyed — a. Dyed before being made into cloth, in distinction from piece dyed; ingrain. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wool-dyed — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : dyed in the wool * * * woolˈ dyed adjective Dyed before spinning or weaving • • • Main Entry: ↑wool … Useful english dictionary
dyed-in-the-wool — adj. 1. thoroughly imbued; thoroughgoing; uncompromising; complete; unmitigated; through and through. [PJC] 2. dyed before being spun or woven into cloth. Syn: yarn dyed. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wool — [wul] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: wull] 1.) the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body →↑lambswool 2.) material made from wool ▪ a pure wool skirt ▪ a mix of 80% wool and 20% man made fibres ↑knitting needle, ↑wool 3.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
dyed in the wool — unchanging in a particular belief or opinion; inveterate she s a dyed in the wool conservative Origin: with allusion to the fact that yarn was dyed in the raw state, producing a more even and permanent color * * * ˌdyed in the ˈwool [dyed in the… … Useful english dictionary
dyed-in-the-wool — /ˌdaɪd ɪn ðə ˈwʊl/ (say .duyd in dhuh wool) adjective through and through; complete; inveterate: a dyed in the wool Liberal. {originally referring to the fact that wool dyed in its raw state, before being spun into thread or yarn, proved to be… …
wool — noun (U) 1 the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body 2 material made from wool: Is this coat wool? | wool jacket/carpet/blanket etc: a pure wool skirt 3 thread made from wool that you use for knitting knit 1 (1) clothes 4… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
wool */*/ — UK [wʊl] / US noun [uncountable] thick hair that grows on sheep and some other animals a) fibre made from wool, used in knitting a ball of wool b) cloth made from wool. Clothes that are made of wool are called woollen clothes a wool jacket • See … English dictionary
dyed-in-the-wool — {adj. phr.} Thoroughly committed; inveterate; unchanging. * /He is a died in the wool Conservative Republican./ … Dictionary of American idioms
dyed-in-the-wool — {adj. phr.} Thoroughly committed; inveterate; unchanging. * /He is a died in the wool Conservative Republican./ … Dictionary of American idioms
dyed-in-the-wool — dyed′ in the wool′ adj. 1) through and through; complete: a dyed in the wool feminist[/ex] 2) tex dyed before weaving • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang