
1. нареч.
1) к тому же, вдобавок;
в то же время Syn : besides
2) тем не менее Syn : nevertheless
2. предл. с, со Syn : with (устаревшее) к тому же, кроме того;
более того;
в то же время - he is an honest man * к тому же он очень честный человек несмотря на , тем не менее - her voice was rough but had an appealing quality * голос у нее был резкий, но довольно приятный вслед за;
с этими словами этим, таким образом (устаревшее) указывает на инструмент: с;
передается тж. твор. падежом - the sword he used to defend himself * меч, которым он защищался ~ prep с(о) ;
the sword he used to defend himself withal меч, которым он защищался withal уст. к тому же, вдобавок;
в то же время ~ prep с(о) ;
the sword he used to defend himself withal меч, которым он защищался

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "withal" в других словарях:

  • Withal — With*al , adv. [With + all.] [1913 Webster] 1. With this; with that. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] He will scarce be pleased withal. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Together with this; likewise; at the same time; in addition; also. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] Fy on …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Withal — With*al , prep. With; put after its object, at the end of sentence or clause in which it stands. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] This diamond he greets your wife withal. Shak. [1913 Webster] Whatsoever uncleanness it be that a man shall be defiled withal.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • withal — in addition, late 14c., from M.E. with alle (c.1200), superseding O.E. mid ealle wholly (see WITH (Cf. with)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • withal — archaic ► ADVERB 1) in addition. 2) nevertheless. ► PREPOSITION ▪ with …   English terms dictionary

  • withal — [with ôl′, withôl′] adv. [ME with alle: see WITH & ALL] 1. in addition; besides 2. despite that; notwithstanding 3. Archaic with that; therewith prep. Archaic with: used at the end of a clause or sentence …   English World dictionary

  • withal — I. adverb Etymology: Middle English, from with + all, al all Date: 13th century 1. together with this ; besides < a supporter of all constructionctive work and withal an excellent businessman A. W. Long > 2. archaic therewith 1 3 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • withal — adv. & prep. archaic adv. moreover; as well; at the same time. prep. (placed after its expressed or omitted object) with (what shall he fill his belly withal?). Etymology: ME f. WITH + ALL …   Useful english dictionary

  • withal — /widh awl , with /, adv. 1. with it all; as well; besides. 2. in spite of all; nevertheless. 3. Archaic. with that; therewith. prep. 4. with (used after its object). [1150 1200; ME phrase with al(le); r. OE mid ealle, mid eallum. See WITH, ALL] * …   Universalium

  • withal — 1. preposition synonym for with, appearing at the end of a clause or sentence, after the object. 2. adverb a) Nevertheless; on the other hand. b) besides …   Wiktionary

  • withal — with|al [ wıð ɔl ] adverb an old word meaning besides …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • withal —  Not all. In addition, moreover …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

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