with a vengeance

with a vengeance

1) разг. здорово;
чрезвычайно That was luck with a vengeance! ≈ Нам чертовски повезло!
2) разг. в большом количестве, с лихвой;
в полном смысле слова The rain came down with a vengeance. ≈ Дождь полил, как из ведра.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "with a vengeance" в других словарях:

  • With a vengeance — Vengeance Venge ance, n. [F. vengeance, fr. venger to avenge, L. vindicare to lay claim to, defend, avenge, fr. vindex a claimant, defender, avenger, the first part of which is of uncertain origin, and the last part akin to dicere to say. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • with a vengeance — ► with a vengeance with great intensity. Main Entry: ↑vengeance …   English terms dictionary

  • with a vengeance — with great force or energy. Susan works out with a vengeance when she goes to the gym …   New idioms dictionary

  • with a vengeance — VIGOROUSLY, strenuously, energetically, with a will, with might and main, with all the stops out, for all one is worth, all out, flat out, at full tilt; informal hammer and tongs, like crazy, like mad; Brit. informal like billy o. → vengeance * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • with a vengeance — 1. adjective Intensely motivated; resolute; forceful. It is said, that in the first representation of the Furies of Eschylus, the horror of the spectacle was so great, that several women miscarried; which was indeed pathos with a vengeance. 2.… …   Wiktionary

  • with a vengeance — phrasal 1. with great force or vehemence < undertook reform with a vengeance > 2. to an extreme or excessive degree < the tourists are back with a vengeance > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • with a vengeance — she returned to the stage with a vengeance Syn: vigorously, strenuously, energetically, with a will, with all the stops out, for all one is worth, all out, flat out, at full tilt; informal hammer and tongs, like crazy, like mad, like gangbusters …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • with a vengeance — idi a) with violent force and rage b) with extreme or excessive energy: to set to work with a vengeance[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • with a vengeance — used for emphasizing that something happens in an extreme way or with a lot of force The disease came back with a vengeance …   English dictionary

  • with a vengeance — with great intensity. → vengeance …   English new terms dictionary

  • with a vengeance — Synonyms and related words: a outrance, a toute outrance, absolutely, all hollow, all out, all the way, all to pieces, beyond all bounds, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond measure, cogently, completely, dead, downright, dynamically,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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