with a valuation
Смотреть что такое "with a valuation" в других словарях:
Valuation ring — In abstract algebra, a valuation ring is an integral domain D such that for every element x of its field of fractions F , at least one of x or x 1 belongs to D .Given a field F , if D is a subring of F such that either x or x 1 belongs to D for… … Wikipedia
Valuation (algebra) — In algebra (in particular in algebraic geometry or algebraic number theory), a valuation is a function on a field that provides a measure of size or multiplicity of elements of the field. They generalize to commutative algebra the notion of size… … Wikipedia
Valuation risk — combines aspects of data management, financial engineering and modelling and uncertainties related to the changing conditions of financial markets.Valuation Risks have a direct impact on internal and regulatory compliance, counterparty exposure… … Wikipedia
Valuation using multiples — is a method for determining the current value of a company by examining and comparing the financial ratios of relevant peer groups, also often described as comparable company analysis (or comps). The most widely used multiple is the price… … Wikipedia
Valuation using discounted cash flows — is a method for determining the current value of a company using future cash flows adjusted for time value. The future cash flow set is made up of the cash flows within the determined forecast period and a continuing value that represents the… … Wikipedia
Valuation (finance) — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia
Valuation Office Agency — The Valuation Office Agency is a government body in the United Kingdom. It is an executive agency of Her Majesty s Revenue and Customs. The Agency values properties for the purpose of Council Tax and for non domestic rates in England and Wales… … Wikipedia
Valuation (measure theory) — In measure theory or at least in the approach to it through domain theory, a valuation is a map from the class of open sets of a topological space to the set positive real numbers including infinity. It is a concept closely related to that of a… … Wikipedia
valuation — the process of appraising the worth of property according to some recognised criteria. Glossary of Business Terms Determination of the value of a company s stock based on earnings and the market value of assets. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary To… … Financial and business terms
Valuation (logic) — In logic and model theory, a valuation can be: *In propositional logic, an assignment of truth values to propositional variables, with a corresponding assignment of truth values to all propositional formulas with those variables. *In first order… … Wikipedia
Valuation Analysis — A form of fundamental analysis that looks to compare the valuation of one security to another, to a group of securities or within its own historical context. Valuation analysis is done to evaluate the potential merits of an investment or to… … Investment dictionary